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And now there were four of them. And a dog. Jeff had always wanted a dog, and he seemed pretty happy to now have one. Even if that dog was eight feet tall and bright red. If that weren't enough, Liu also had to deal with Jane who still didn't like Jeff at all. Thankfully she didn't complain much. In fact, she spent most of their time walking calmly talking with Nina, which was a relief. Liu busied himself with talking to Jeff, who was sitting up on Smile's back so he could rest his still-healing leg.

''Walking is so slow.'' Jane suddenly said. Liu glanced over his shoulder at her.

''Well we can't exactly hitch a ride with a giant dog and a masked goth.'' he replied, turning back away from her. Jeff snickered above him. Jane stopped walking and looked around. She turned to the group ahead of her.

''Guys,'' she called. They stopped and looked at her. Jane pointed to her left and they all turned to see what she was pointing at. Across the dusty, plain street, was a large wire fence that blocked off...a trainyard. They all frowned, confused. ''I have an idea.''

Before anyone could ask what that idea was and what she was getting at, Jane walked across the street and stopped at the fence. The other four exchanged a look and followed after her. They stopped by the fence and Liu tilted his head. ''What're you thinking, Jane...?'' he asked.

''The train would be faster.'' she said, looking at the train tracks in front of them. Liu blinked.

''I- think that's illegal.'' he said. ''And there's a fence in the way anyway.''

Jane stepped away from the fence, then ran at it and jumped up. She slipped a bit, but managed to somehow get a grip on the metallic wire. The four of them watched in horror as she somehow scaled the fence in her dress and thick-heeled boots. ''J-Jane-!'' Liu yelped. ''Jane get down! That's illegal! And dangerous!''

Jane ignored him and hopped over the top of the fence. She hit the ground gracefully, then turned to the others. ''You coming or not?''

Liu crossed his arms. ''We can't climb that.'' he gave her a stern look. ''And it's illegal!'' he pointed to a sign hanging off the fence that read 'no trespassing'. Jane looked at it for a second, then back at them. She shrugged. Liu glared at her. ''Get back over he-'' he was interrupted by Smile laying down and shaking Jeff gently off his back. Liu caught him and looked at the giant dog as he backed up. Smile bounded forward and charged at the fence. It collapsed under his weight like it was nothing. He turned and grinned at the other three of them. Jane moved closer and pet the hellhound.

''Good boy.'' she cooed before turning to her three shocked friends. ''Well c'mon. The fence is gone, right?'' she said before turning and walking off towards the train tracks. Liu glanced at Nina and Jeff anxiously before reluctantly following after Jane.

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