Chapter 1

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All Characters are FICTIONAL and so are the companies. 

I'm a newbie so EXPECT grammatical errors.

Please be kind :)


Emma's POV


"Yes Emz?" Stephanie, my secretary, sighted.

"Where is that idiot Luke!? I am so gonna kill him if he does not show up within 10 minutes! He has some explaining to do!"  Damn that Luke! I will go bald if he continues this charade. He's not doing his work! He dares take advantage of the fact that he is an indispensable person in my company!

"Must be with that slut..." Steph mumbled.

"What?" I asked as i raised an eyebrow at her.

" Uh... I mean... He must be with Jessica." She corrected.

"Then call him now! Tell him if he does not arrive within..." i looked at my watch " ... 7 minutes I am going to kick his ass out of my company!"

Stephanie's blue eyes grew wide. "A-Are you serious?" She asked

"Do I look like I'm joking!?" I narrowed my eyes at her which signaled I am absolutely not messing around. "Now go! He only has 5 minutes left!" This sent Stephanie running out of my office. Her auburn hair swaying around her shoulder. 

I released a sigh. Stupid Luke, does he not see that Stephanie likes him? She is an honest and beautiful person. Hard- working and dedicated. Jessica is pretty. She has a body most girls would die for. But she has a shitty personality and has a slow brain processor. I hired her as a mascot. I smirked at myself. I am a bit of a bitch after all.

"Sigh" I don't understand why he'd rather be with Jessica than with Stephanie. 


" Hey Emz!" Luke greeted as he strolled towards the chair in the other side of my table.

"Your Fired!" I shouted. His eyes turned into saucers as he stared at me.

"Come on Emma... I know I'm late" he reasoned out.

I narrowed my eyes at him and saw him gulped.

"Late!? Do you think that's all!? You are not doing your job! All you are doing is laze around!" I can feel my face turning red because of anger. I closed my eyes and took deep breaths to calm myself down. Breathe in, Breathe out, in, out, in-

Thump! I opened my eyes and saw Luke kneeling with his hands clasped together in front. 

"Emma, I'm sorry! I'll do my job! I'll work! Don't kick me out... Please! Come on cuz, don't throw me out... What will happen to my family?to my wife? to my kids!?" He is begging... like a puppy. Darn! I love puppies!

I rolled my eyes at him. Ugh! He is such a drama king! " Oh please, I don't care what happens to your imaginary wife and non- existent kids."  Luke's green eyes now has fear in them.  His broad shoulder slumped and his head bowed making his blond hair cover his sea-green eyes. He is gorgeous and many girls swoon at him.

Then I stared sternly at him. " But I do care for your parents. I'll give you a second chance..." His eyes brightened. He immediately stood up and rushed to my side.

"Thank you Emz!" he gave me a very tight and happy bear hug.

"C-can't Breathe!" I gasped. He laughed while letting go of me. He had this smug smile as if saying I-know-you-can't-fire-me. I suddenly feel irritated.

"In one condition.." He stared at me eagerly, like a puppy waiting for a treat.

"You will have a partner. Meaning, your current position, which is head chemist, will be shared." He will also be your bodyguard. I'll make sure he will keep you in line. I added in my mind.

Luke had this confused look as if he does not understand what he is hearing.

"Wait, aren't you my partner?" 

"No, I'm your Boss." I deadpanned.

He stared at me as if trying to read my intentions. He gave up and shook his head.

"Fine!" Luke puffed as he went out the office.


So? How was it? Hahaha 

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