Bonus Chapter

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“For she had eyes and
Choose me.”
—William Shakespeare.

Adrienne's P.O.V.

The blasting rays of sunset peaks through the windows and I realize in my sleep once again that Vladimir forgot to close the drapes last night.

I lay there still basking in the sun until they get too much and suddenly my face is becoming a kebab.

I turn over to the other side and pull the blankets over my face.
I try to call the sleep back to me but no. Once it's broken, it's gone.

I groan and twist around for a moment.

I open my eyes and sit up.

My eyes find the clock. 8 in the morning!

Bloody hell!

I am early by an hour.

Eva won't wake up until almost 10.
She slept late last night.

I grab the robe from the floor and put it on my very naked body.
I shiver from the cold as I go the the bathroom to tinkle.

It's the worst feeling when you are all warm and sleepy in the bed and this stupid urge to pee won't let you sleep.
Ultimately in the end you end up saying goodbye to your sleep.

I wash my hands and brush my teeth.

I run my hands through my short white hair.
Yeah I had it cut about 3 days ago and Vladimir took a quite blow.
He was shocked.

I had my hair almost to my knees and it was tiring to care for everything and my hair.

My hair are a little higher than my shoulders.

I start brushing my teeth.

I look behind me in the mirror and see Vladimir leaning against the doorway.

His sleepy hair and half opened eyes that are staring at me.

“ You're naked.” I state the very obvious. Werewolves don't get cold that easily and sometimes I envy that.

He nods and comes forward.
He places his arms on either sides if me and leans on the counter.
His front touching my back.

He comes closer to my ear.
“ Under this clothing, so are you.”
A sly smile appears on his lips as I roll my eyes and smile.

He rests his head on my shoulder and wraps one arm around my waist. The other hand still on the counter.

I grab his brush and out paste on him.

I look up to see his eyes closed and calm face.

I know he is not sleeping because he isn't leaning on me at all.

I move my shoulder and his green orbs open up.

“ Here.” I offer him the brush.

He takes it and stands to his full height. Now my head ends up under his chin.
“ Thanks love.”

I nod and spit out the water and wash my face.
I get out his grasp to dry my face.

“ Why so early today? ” Xavier mumbles in between brushing.

I turn around and try to stare at his eyes.

Vladimir [Completed]Where stories live. Discover now