1 Between Champions

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Beasts talking


Third POV

"Me and the other headmasters have decided that during this week where hogwarts annually hosts social activities among the houses, the Champions will interact with each other to get a more deeper understanding of the other schools in magical Britain" said Dumbledore standing on his podium addressing the students during dinner. Each school immediately turned their attention to their champion(s) in a mix of curiosity and jealously.

While the other 3 were easily talking with their schools Harry was meanwhile getting told what he should ask, what to get or bring and how he should mind his manners by both Hermione and Ron. Fred and George however cut them off seeing that the young teen needed some space and instead switched the topic into their newest plan of pranking. It helped Harry who was getting exhausted by the talks of his best friends. Sometimes he wondered, if they were just ordering him around or thinking he was nothing more than a fool or idiot, cuz he gets rude vibes from time-to-time.

Shortly it was time for bed and everyone went to their quarters. Harry, Cedric, Fleur and Victor were told where they should meet up tomorrow, they were then also informed that they could do anything from talking to playing games to training as long as they did it together and notified someone to tell the teachers.

Arriving at the Griffindor Common room they all split up into their gender dorms and years. The twins asked their brother, in anything but blood, if he could get each of them an autograph from Krum since not only is he famous in the Quidditch sport, but it would also make a nice bait for the victims of their future pranks. Harry merely shook his head at the antics of the twins before wishing them a good night and going to bed.

~Next morning at the great Hall~

After eating breakfast each of the champions slowly stood up from their tables to meet up in front of the Hall. Harry had to listen to an entire salmon that came out of Hermione's mouth so he wasn't in the best of mood's. Both Fleur and Victor gave Harry a look to which Cedric merely laughed with a feeling of sympathy. "Hermione?" Cedric asked standing next to the much shorter boy who only grumbled in reply.

Making a funny face that's kinda a mix between these two ->🤭🙄Cedric couldn't help but snort at his kohai's bad fortune. "Vhat is so vunny?" asked Victor confused.

Cedric looked at the other two champions before telling them:
"Harry here is usually a heavy sleeper so if you talk to him before he has eaten he might jinx you. Now he is usually calm but combined with listening to - if you asked me, Miss-know-it-all: Hermione, he will not completely 'function' during the first lesson's of the day. In short: he's grumpy. "

"Iz zhe 'onestly that bad?" asked Fleur looking at the kid who would be better off back in bed.

"If you looked at one another (A/N: another champion) during Breakfast just now it was the one with the bushy-brown curly hair who was sitting next to him" Cedric informed them making them think back before nodding.

"She did look like she vas over her head. But beside that. Where should we go now? Do you know any good places where others won't immediately find us or listen in on us? I very much like to have my space." stated Victor Krum towards Cedric with a huff.

"Harry?" asked the Hufflepuff to the younger boy who after 5 seconds nodded and trotted off like a Lokomotive. "If you need secretive places you'd best ask Harry. He likes to wander around post of the tons when he's alone; which is why me and the upper years taught him a location spell in case he gets lost." With that they turned around and followed Harry who went up stairs, turned numerous times and so on.

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