5 Meeting and search

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Draco's POV

I was on my broom chasing after the snitch while Cedric was a few meters away from me but catching up to me.

Though.. I miss my rival of sorts. Griffindor hasn't played since then as a display of respect for their lost housemate and seeker. The championship was won by Victor Krum since both Hogwarts and Bourbaxons withdrew from the Tri-Wizard tournament. Though the headmasters agreed that each school year there will be three students each school year that will come as 'exchange' students.

Both Miss Delaceur and Sir Krum had volunteered to be the first since they wanted to wish farewell to Potter. Cedric has been down in the dumps, the teachers were more stoic than usual and even Uncle Sev is behaving different from normal. Kinda... Ignorant. The Weasley twins had isolated themselves and didn't even play one tiny prank since then. The only ones that's been the same as usual were the rest of the golden trio. Honestly they disgus-.

'The snitch!' I came out of my thoughts when I saw the golden ball zoom bast the Slytherin stands. I flew after it passing by my friends and Sir Krum. He's been staying in Slytherin as a sixth year student while Mrs Delaceur was in Ravenclaw. They meet up quite often with Cedric to go to the Funeral willow that stands at the giant lake.

They planted it as a sort of grave stone for Potter I guess. I have to admit that me and Pansy and Blaize have also gone there. Some teachers were also seen. The tree was planted with the rest of... Harry's wand which uncle Sev had Accio'd back at the lake. It had been totally broken by the sirens so they used it as seeds and the tree grew from it. Surprisingly or not it was bigger than the average one. I mean you could fit the entire first years under it + it's rainproof. I don't know if it's cause his wand had a pheonix feather or not but it's warm on cold days and soothing. Many students go there if they're troubled, they always feel safe. Personally I felt as if someone was watching me or I wasn't the only one there.

Anyway I was chasing the snitch around the Quidditch field dodging a few blodgers then heading after the snitch which flew straight up above the game area. When it vanished into the clouds Cedric couldn't follow it anymore so he stayed just below them to catch it if it descended back down.

'Come to think of it this situation kinda reminds me of last year where Harry fell down...Well back then it was a true weather disaster. In comparison we just have to deal with a bad case of rain and lightning. Nothing like a storm.' I must've jinxed it because I started to see something like black Ghost's among the dark clouds.
'Crap! I need to go back down!' I thought heading down.

'Come to think about it why hasn't the school taught us the patrons charm since this same situation happened last year!? I should ask Uncle Severus or father or mother to teach me!' I added in frustration swearing to myself.

I did the only thing I could do to show that I was in trouble. I grabbed a broch that my father enchanted and called "Dementors". Immediately the brootch shined a bright red light that should be visible down below. Luckily father is watching in the parents stands today so I just hope he or Uncle Severus can help me!

The Dementors apperantly didn't like the light and charged at me. I flew as fast as I could but I was soon surrounded by the black cloaks. Kinda ironic considering they looked like the robes father wears to DE meetings. The one in front of me flew at me with its mouth open and I could feel something slipping, '... They need to brush their teeth like seriously!..'

??? POV

I opened my eyes and looked to the water surface where I saw a speck of red light coming through. 'Hmmm...? This is?.. An enchanted brootch acting as a SOS Signal? Not bad but what's the emergency?' I questioned swimming upwards.

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