Big bro Nagito.

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-Kokichi Ouma has added Kokichi Ouma-

Kokichi Ouma:I heard that Big bro Nagito-chan was in here! Now where is he? Tell me or I'll get my super secret organization to blow you all up!

Hope:Kokichi? How did you even get here?
AngryBossBaby:Who the hell even are you?

Kokichi Ouma:Big bro Nagitoooo! Also I used my super awesome hacking skills to find you! Supreme leaders need to be able to hack y'know!
Kokichi Ouma:Orrrrrr
Kokichi Ouma:Maybe it's a lie~ Nishishi!

AngryBossBaby:I don't know you but you're pissing me off already
Kokichi Ouma:Do NOT remind me of the pissfics.....
Gaymer:They were scary

Kokichi Ouma:You read them!?
Gaymer:Sadly yes.
Kokichi Ouma:

-Kokichi Ouma has left the groupchat-

Mean Gremlin:So.... Big bro Nagito, huh?
Sin Chef:Is that some kind of kink of your Komaeda? Wow, didn't take you for THAT kind of person....

-Sin Chef has changed "Hope" to "Oooh Kinky-
-Mean Gremlin has muted Sin Chef-
-Mean Gremlin has changed "Oooh Kinky" to Big Bro Nagito-

Big Bro Nagito:
Big Bro Nagito:...Am I stuck like this?
Mean Gremlin:Yes!
Big Bro Nagito:...I wouldn't mind if it were for ultimates

Mean Gremlin:Whatever!

Music Queen:In Ibuki's opinion, Nagito-chan would be that troublesome little brother!
Photoshoot:He's both. At times troublesome but also dependable!
Gaymer:Yeah. I agree...
Dancing Gremlin:Are you idiots really ranting about stereotypes!?
Dancing Gremlin:Minus Mahiru, she's a geniussss!

Music Queen:Mahiru-chan would be a mom then!
Photoshoot:What? How?
Music Queen:You give off this mom kinda vibe!

AngryBossBaby:Why are we doing this again?
Dancing Gremlin:You'd be that pissed uncle for a fact!
AngryBossBaby:No I f*cking wouldn't! You'd be that bratty little sister who gets spoiled all the f*cking time!

Dancing Gremlin:I would say accurate but I don't even know! I mean....
Photoshoot:I don't like where this is going
Dancing Gremlin:But I can't! You think I became a dancer out of nowhere!? I mean, plenty of people get their childhood taken away! Hehehe!

Cute Swordswoman:That sounds concerning.
Music Queen:The words are positive but the vibe it gives is suuuper scary!
Cute Nurse:S-Saionji??

Dancing Gremlin:What is it dumb nurse! It better not be useless!
Cute Nurse:I-I'm so-sooo sorryyyy!
Dancing Gremlin:Whatever!

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