Chapter Five

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The brothers hadn't slept as well as Sage had. Granted, they doubted she knew where they were headed and why. Luke had gotten little to no sleep since the last time he called their parents. The family bond was whirling around now that the silver was leaving their system. But with the sun starting to rise, he decided that it was time to get back on the road.

It was a simple gesture that Liam whispered to the sleeping wolf, and an almost painful whine escaped her throat. He went ignored as she continued to sleep.

"Should she be this tired?"

"Guess traveling, and the escape wore her out. When we get home, she'll get back to a routine." Luke knew fully well that his mother would adore the lights out of Sage. And the girl could use a female figure in her life, one that didn't blush at the idea of reminding her to cover up her breasts.

Their aunt lives in White Paw, which is located in Washington. While they were heading towards New England. "Mom say anything about losing the car?" Liam asked, and Luke's smile grew at the thought of their mother's scolding voice about losing the family car.

"Nah, but I'm sure she'll bring it up when we get there. Nothing in there anyway." The conversation ended from there, as their drive remained silent more or less. The radio eased the tension, creating a calm atmosphere for the three over extorted wolves.

Within the hour, Sage started to stir. The moving car she was used to now, but her eyes danced to all the vehicles soaring past. The tree-line separating the highway from other roads and civilizations.

Neither of them knew she was awake just yet, so out of the corner of Luke's eyes, he turned to his left from the passenger seat and smirked to see that Sage hadn't shifted back to skin.

"Well damn, look who's finally awake." He chuckled, and in response, she licked her chops just as playful as his comment. She was getting better at hearing the teasing in his voice, unlike the time he ordered her to take her shoes off the seat.

It's not like he actually cared about this fucker's care anyway.

"Did you get enough sleep?" Liam asked, eyeing her through the rearview mirror. Only for her to let out a soft yowl. It was odd to know that her wolf expressed more emotion and spoke more than her human, but instincts seemed to overtake her entire form.

"We'll stop in a bit for food. Clothes are by your feet if—" Her attention to the open window had her disregard everything as she stepped forward and leaned closer to the window.

Liam, who was trying to keep his attention on the road, started to laugh at what Sage was gesturing to do. And Luke's shoulder was the perfect place to rest her head, silently pleading with him. So he picked her up and placed her right onto his thigh so she could stick her head on out the window.

The wind was a newfound experience. While it was enjoyable to get all the smells to identify everything at once, it was also irritating as Sage needed to blink more than she usually would. Still, the breeze was exhilarating that she didn't dare move away.

Her entire body wiggle with excitement that Luke had to tighten his grip so she wouldn't fall.

"Do you think the Alpha will let her join?" Liam asked, smiling to see Sage's ears perk at his voice. "She doesn't smell like a Rogue," Luke replied, as though it was the most straightforward argument to battle, but Liam shook his head. No, the girl didn't smell like one, but she did have such an odd scent that it wasn't a familiar scent to them.

Usually, a scent would give a stranger a summary of the other, all in one sniff. It made things easier to distinguish when they were in fur. It would often highlight the basics: whether they're male or female, their age and rank, or their mate status.

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