Chapter Eight

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Unfortunately, Alpha Harlow couldn't stay long, as he was called for another issue revolving Pack business. Which left the two brothers under the supervision of Beta Josh. And was joined by Mystic Grimm's Master of Arms, Holden Mystic, who, of course, knew their father.

News spread of the newcomers taking shelter on their territory quickly, and Luke was insanely thankful that they were safe in one of the most notorious packs in the United States without too much of a hassle.

Liam voiced his confusion as several wolves went ahead and gifted them supplies for their trip back to Crescent Moon, showing that the past is strictly in the past when dealing with scientists.

Everything they left at the guest cabin's doorstep would be utilized, and they were once again thankful for all the fortune they've been given since they escaped.

The Moon Goddess herself surely saw to it.

Throughout the commotion in the cabin, Sage had been sleeping peacefully. But hours had now passed, and her body was healing itself. The ringing growing dimmer with each passing second she's stationed across Pack lines.

While her mind was still fuzzy, it wasn't nearly as painful as before. With the given boost of energy, Sage is able to sit up against the pillow and take in the room before her.

It didn't have the sterilized medical smell like the female from before had, not entirely. The tug on her arm suggested that she was tied, but upon seeing the IV, she didn't hesitate to rip out the small string from her arm, causing an immediate hiss at the fact that it was painful.

Thankfully Luke had thought ahead and left a tall glass of water by her bedside. It didn't take long to notice his scent in the room, and that with the water gave her the comfort she needed to drain the glass until it was empty. It quenched her thirst for a moment, but her hunger started to pick up.

Glancing around the room once again, she noticed that even with the males' scents around her, Liam or Luke wasn't in the room with her. Meaning that they were old, but lingered heavily amongst the other two strange males and two females. The combined scent of others confused her and prompted her curiosity to peek through one of the doors.

Although it wasn't her people, it was indeed a bathroom, one that she gladly used. And after dousing her face with some cold water, she smiled down at the facet in delight. But when she returned to standing at full height, she flinched as she caught her reflection in the mirror.

There was a person in front of her!

Panic soon rose into her body as she felt still. How did a person fit in there? She couldn't understand, so instead, she attempted the other door across the bed.

The hallway was dimly lit, but the scents grew louder until she walked straight into the den, earning her far too many eyes for her to turn away from.

Absolute terror filled her body, causing her to shiver. But Luke jumped up from his position off the couch and eased his way over. "Hey—Hey, it's alright, they're here to meet you, yeah?" He mistook her shivering for being cold, causing him to turn back and ask Jade if there was anything warmer for her to wear.

"Yeah, I put a sweater in the suitcase. It should be at the bottom." She called out, and Sage followed her figure as she darted across the kitchen, currently fixing up a dinner plate for Sage.

Luke offered his hand, and she lingered on it intently before doing the same. Course Liam's laughter was heard throughout the cabin, but it was a sense of trust that made Luke's wolf hum in approval.

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