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The "Imperial Guardians" Space Marine chapter, formally known as "Terra's Wrath", is a loyalist fleet based chapter founded during the 13th founding. They hail from [Redacted] Gene-seed.

During the period of time where they were known as Terra's Wrath, they were a Non-Codex-Compliant Chapters. Highly aggressive and brutal. They would use Guardsmen as lures and meat shields while fighting xenos and heretics. There main fighting tactic would be frontal charges where they would brutally kill anybody in front of them in male combat. Friend or foe, nobody was safe once they joined the battle. They acted like berserkers, and would fall in to blood rages where they would tear the enemy apart with there bare hands.

This continued for a Millennium until the event known as "Emperors Punishment", as the chapter calls it, occurred.

The Emperors Punishment is the name the Imperial Guardians gave to the event where there home planet was destroyed. The planet "Apex" was a War world before it's destruction. The planet itself was swallowed by a warp rift after a demon invasion that nearly caused the chapters complete annihilation. The remnants of the chapter saw this event as the Emperor punishing the chapter for there ways.

The remnant of the chapter managed to rebuild. They swore on that day to fight for the Emperor, and to protect his subjects. Having changed there whole way of life, they now prioritize the safety of civilians, after civilians come there friendly forces such as the Imperial Guard, and the Sisters of Battle. And only than will they seek to save themselves, and there battle brothers.

The Imperial Guardians have adopted a ranged weapon focused way of fighting, having abandoned nearly all forms of male combat. During combat they fight in near silence, as to distance themselves from there shameful past, where there voices would deffen there bolters. Outside of combat they will do there best to assist in rebuilding cites and planets, but will try to avoid interaction with people as they do not see themselves as worthy for that honor.

The Imperial Guardians do not know the identity of there gene father. The Tech-Priests that come to confirm the purity of there gene-seed are threatened with death to not reveal there gene fathers identity. The only Imperial Guardian that knows of his identity is a dreadnaught from there Terra's Wrath days, who in turn will die a thousand deaths before reveling there gene father.

The Imperial Guardians will "Adopt" forces from the battlefield that have lost there units, giving theme a second chance to serve the Emperor with theme. This has resulted in the Imperial Guardians having a regiment of Guardsmen in there fleet, with the associated armor and equipment. As well they shelter sisters of battle whose units were destroyed. While not in combat the Space Marines will assist the guardsmen and sisters of battle in honing there skills and will, this has caused all the guardsmen in there fleet to become Kasrkin. But with this in mined the Space Marines will rarely allow there guardsmen and sisters of battle to join theme in offensive charges, and will mostly use theme to secure captured positions, to ensure there safety.

They do this for more than to just keep there fellow man safe, they do this to hide there hideous past.

When in combat a large majority of civilians, or all of the Imperial Guardians allies are killed, there past grips theme again.....and there rage surfaces

They will enter a blood rage that will shake the planet to its core. They lose themselves in there fury, throwing away all they strive to be....and charge the enemy. Imperial Guardians in this state of blood rage have been seen ripping tanks apart with there bare hands. It has even been said that during there blood rage, even destroying half there head will not stop theme. And they will only die once all of there prey is nothing but piles of flesh coloring the ground.

The chapter master and captain can somewhat resist there rage, but the captain will fall to it in a mater of minutes.

After there acts of rage the space marines that have been affected will seek the Emperors forgiveness for days. They will bow there heads to his temple for days on end, desperately seeking his forgiveness for there weakness.

And only once they feel true regret for there failure to the Emperor, will they rejoin there brothers in protecting the Emperors Imperium once more.

(There color scheme)

(There color scheme)

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