Chapter Eight

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Kind of a short chapter, I'm sorry. I'm having a bit of writers block and every time inspiration decides to hit me, I get interrupted. :(
Anywho, enjoy, vote and comment.

"I need to get fimiliar with the territory before I can be sure of an escape plan. Give me a couple of days and try to behave good." I said.

A laugh from the door drew our eyes, my heart skipping a beat for a split second. There stood a caramel coloured girl with slick black hair, her blue eyes alight with mischief.

"So we're gonna escape, yeah?"
Chapter Eight

I stood frozen for a second, trying to see if the girl was friend or foe? She seemed eager enough, but it was hard to be sure with her apparent playful mood.

After a moment, I began hesitantly. "Yes, we are. Do you have a problem with that?"

The girl giggled childishly, her hand playing with a loose strand of hair. "Not at all. It'd be fun to watch."

Dwayne cocked an eyebrow, stepping forward slightly. "Watch?"

"Yeah, there's no way that McCoy'll let ya escape, mate." She said assured, a small accent to her words.

King frowned with one eyebrow, his other reaching into his hairline. I wish I could frown and lift and eyebrow at the same time.

"Who's McCoy?"

"Caleb McCoy, the spearhead of our lovely camp." She sung lively. "Many have tried and many have died."

"Seriously?" I huffed. "That guy doesn't scare me."

"Oh, he will soon enough, mate." She gave ne a somber look. "So where are you planning to go know?"

Like it's always been, I needed to console with Dwayne and King before making any final decisions. I wasn't about to go blabbing to a total stranger, anyways, even if I did know where we were heading. Which I didn't.

"Don't know yet." Shrugging I walked over to the girl, my hand stretched out in front of me. "I'm Christi, and this is Dwayne and Kingston."

"I'm Camilla."

Surprisingly, she disregarded my hand and pulled me into a hug. Dwayne and King moved closer unnoticed,  glaring four holes into her pretty head. I was happy when she finally released me, eagerly moving back into the boys' protective shadow.

"Come on, I'll show you around. You guys have to go, yeah, before the Sentinels come here. Boys are restricted in this cabin at all times."

"Says who?"

Crossing my arms, I glared at Camilla. This was my room and I'd decide who I wanted in it or not. Right now, she was the one I did not want in here.

A sly smile played on her lips. "Your new cabin mate and since I've been here longer than you, I get the first say."

"What? That's not-"

"It's fine, Christi." Dwayne nudged me in my ribs, giving me a pointed look. "She's right anyways. We should get going before the Sentinels find us and you can look around with her."

With that both he and King moved over to the window and jumped back out. Great, now they leave me alone with her. They knew I wasn't good at making friends.

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 22, 2015 ⏰

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