6. Dinner

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"I can't believe you," Jongho said, feeling betrayed. "I've talked to you for over three years and you never listened but you meet a stranger for ten minutes and suddenly you've become a different person?!"

Yunho shushed his friend frantically, feeling extremely self-conscious because of the echoes Jongho's resonant voice made. Luckily, everyone nearby was too busy getting off work to pay much attention.

"To be fair, he showed me. You just talked," Yunho replied, recalling his eventful morning.

"Okay, now I'm genuinely hurt." Jongho faked a pout, which Yunho ignored.

Yunho bumped Jongho lightly on the shoulder. "You should be glad. You can stop worrying about me, and I can stop feeling bad for making you worry."

Jongho raised an eyebrow, his footsteps louder now that there are fewer people in the hallway. "Actually, I have to keep worrying for a while, in case this is all just temporary and you call me at some ridiculous hour tonight asking for help."

Knowing it was just a joke, Yunho smiled, but it didn't change the fact that there was some truth to Jongho's words.

"It's not easy to change a mindset," Jongho added, gauging Yunho's reactions carefully to avoid hurting his feelings.

"I know," said Yunho with a nod. He agreed because he was aware that the change came abruptly, almost as if he was under a magical spell.

"So what do you plan to do?" Jongho's lightened the mood with a brighter tone as they entered an elevator. "I definitely can't do whatever Mingi did to you, so tell me you're going to keep in contact with him and change for good."

Yunho, who was pressing the 'door close' button, turned around to face Jongho, his face flushed with incredulity. "Wha-I can't just depend on one stranger! We'll probably never meet again!"

Jongho widened his eyes in return. "How is he still a stranger after what you did this morning? Besides, you said he helped you and no one else can do that so far so the least you can do is to become friends with him, right?"

"I don't want to take advantage of him," Yunho mumbled. The elevator doors slid open and they stepped into the lobby.

Exasperated, Jongho stopped and made Yunho turn so they were face to face. "I didn't want to rub it in your face, but you're not admitting the truth. It's obvious that you have feelings for that guy."

The burning sensation on Yunho's cheeks was all too familiar. Too baffled to explain himself, he spun around and continued walking towards the building exit, pretending like he hadn't heard anything.

"I'll take that as a yes!" Jongho shouted behind Yunho, catching up slowly at a languid pace. "Stop running away! I'm not going to make fun of you!" He could barely hold in his giggles as he talked. "I believe in love at first sig-"

He swallowed the rest of that sentence when Yunho stopped suddenly without warning, creating a six-feet tall roadblock at the doorway.

"What's wrong?" he asked as he caught up with Yunho, trying to figure out what was so shocking.

Following Yunho's line of sight, Jongho spotted a man waving in their general direction on the other side of the glass windows that made up the whole front face of the building.

He had never seen the man before, but Yunho's reaction made it too obvious. It was Mingi.

Eventually, Yunho broke out of his trance and went outside to find out what Mingi wanted. Jongho had a grin on his face the whole time.

After short greetings and introductions, Mingi explained that he wanted to eat dinner with them.

"You guys go ahead, I have plans tonight," said Jongho immediately, already waving goodbye to the two soon-to-be lovebirds. On the way to the main road, he flashed Yunho a cheeky grin and got a murderous glare in return.

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