10. We're Making Progress

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"I can't stay mad at him," said Yunho. He went to Jongho's apartment after parting ways with Mingi and was now sitting at the dining table with a cup of hot tea around his hands.

Jongho threw a damp rag somewhere near the kitchen sink and sat down next to Yunho. "And what do you want me to do with that information?"

Slightly taken aback by the indifference, Yunho stared down at his tea. Some powder from the teabag drifted around loosely in the liquid. "I know you don't like him because of what happened that nig-"

Jongho interrupted with a loud sigh. "Yes, but I can't judge his character just by that single incident. This is my problem. It's clear that you like him, so I should be happy for you."

The tightness in Jongho's voice didn't go unnoticed. Yunho's heart clenched lightly for the irreplaceable friendship he knew he had with Jongho.

"All I'm trying to say is," Jongho said, placing a hand on Yunho's arm. "Don't give up on what you like because of me."

Yunho smiled.

Jongho removed his hand and continued, "Besides, as I said, Mingi has a certain effect on you. No matter what he's doing, I hope he continues doing it because you seem much happier after you met him."

The smile stretched into a grin as Yunho recalled the first time they met. He knew Mingi's call was special.

Jongho shook his face playfully at Yunho's lovestruck face. Then he stood up and plucked the cup of tea away from Yunho's hands.

"What- I'm not finished with that!" Yunho reached for the cup too, but Jongho angled his body away.

"You've been here too long. You should go now. Don't keep your new boyfriend waiting."

That statement came so abruptly that Yunho didn't have time to react. When the word boyfriend finally sank in, he widened his eyes and stood up, ears already red. "H-he's not my boyfriend!" He paused, then muttered, "...yet."

With a silent smirk on his face, Jongho placed down the cup, suppressing the urge to tease his friend.

"And he's not waiting for me. We parted ways before I came."

"What?" Surprise raised Jongho's voice by a pitch. "Shouldn't you guys be going on a date or something?"

Ignoring the blush creeping out his cheeks, Yunho shrugged. "He said he has to go home for dinner or something. He probably has plans for the night."

Jongho looked out the window. The sky was turning the blue-ish gray color that always came before the darkness fully settled in. The last remnants of sun rays illuminated one corner of the sky, casting a final glow of purplish-red that blended into the expanse of dull color.

Yunho stepped into the open plan kitchen, reached behind Jongho, and retrieved his cup of tea. "It's not the end of the world. It's nice to have time to process our feelings, isn't it?" He took a long sip.

"It's not that," replied Jongho, still staring out the window. His voice sounded distant, like the stars hiding behind clouds in the sky. "There had been a lot of assault cases nearby lately. They all occurred at night when there are fewer people watching."

The playful and light-hearted atmosphere in the apartment dissolved in an instant. They seemed to bring away some of the warmth with them, too.

An involuntary shiver traveled down Yunho's spine even though his brain tried to reason that it was still quite early - the sun had just set.

"It's not like it's the dead of the night right now," he finally said. Voicing the logic in words provided some relief. "I can take public transport if that makes you feel better."

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