13. He is a Mystery

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"How was your date?" Jongho asked, putting on his headphones.

Yunho knew this question was going to show up eventually and he was ready to answer it. "It was fine. He even gave me a gift."

"To apologize?" There was a hint of pleasant surprise in Jongho's voice.

With a small shrug, Yunho replied, "I don't know." He glanced at the small round object lying next to his keyboard. "He didn't say explicitly, but I forgave him."

The clacking of the keyboard interrupted their conversation as Jongho prepared to receive his first call of the day. He should've started a while ago, but it was Monday and everyone was sluggish on Monday.

Jongho's delayed reaction was a light chuckle. "He won your heart over with a gift?"

"You wouldn't understand," Yunho answered coolly. He was so used to being teased that he was practically immune to it. Besides, he remembered - with a smile tugging on his lips - what meaning Mingi had put into that mirror, and that was enough to make that gift more than just a gift.

"Whatever it is," Jongho said, the lilt in his voice implying he had given up on understanding the logic behind a person in love. "I'm glad it's going well between you two." He gave a final adjustment to his headphones and pressed the button to begin working.

The tension left Yunho's body immediately. He was afraid he would somehow give himself away and reveal the more unpleasant half of his evening with Mingi, but Jongho seemed convinced that he had a great time on Saturday and had finally let down his guard on Mingi.

He played with the clasp of the mirror and reminded himself why he lied. First, he knew his friend well enough to know that Jongho would go to extraordinary lengths to dissuade him from continuing the relationship if he found out what really happened. Second, he didn't want to jump to conclusions before he even knew the entire truth.

One thing that bugged him the most was what Mingi's flatmate, San, said. There's something neither of you knows, and it's better if it stays that way.

If San was against the relationship, that might've been an elaborate hoax - San broke into Yunho's house, after all - to scare Yunho away.

Yunho would be content with this story if it wasn't for the other possibility looming over his mind like a shadow lurking behind a tight corner.

What if what San said was true? Yunho didn't know what it would mean yet, but that wasn't a good enough reason to hold a grudge against Mingi. He already did, last week after Mingi got drunk, and he wasn't going to do the same regretful thing again.

Yunho hadn't heard from Mingi at all since Saturday night, and that made him wonder if history was going to repeat itself so quickly, but all he had to do was to look at the mirror on his desk to know that Mingi would never leave him alone without an explanation.

After all that Mingi had done to help him, the least Yunho could do was to be understanding and give Mingi another chance. It felt wrong to push away someone he liked, so he had to do the opposite.

For the first time since he met Mingi, Yunho picked up his phone and went onto Mingi's social media account. It didn't take him long to figure out that Mingi worked in a high school as an English teacher.

"Yunho, please don't tell me you haven't even started." Taking a quick break after three calls, Jongho pushed one ear of his headphone away and drank greedily from his water bottle.

Yunho heard Jongho but was too distracted by the photo on his phone to look up and reply. The photo showed Mingi with one of his classes, standing to the side with a pair of glasses perched on his nose, a big smile on his lips, and neatly combed hair resting on the side of his forehead.

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