gojo satoru - snowflake

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Watching the snow dance through the windows of the café, ___ felt her heart beat out of her chest in excitement. It was finally December, meaning the streets will be crowded with people hustling to buy presents for their loved ones as Christmas lights would decorate the lamp posts and light up the stores in the plaza. People would be bundled up in their coats and scarves as snow flutters down from the sky, either hastily taking shelter in the café to warm themselves up with a hot beverage or simply basking in the cold weather as the snow melts on their warm skin.

___ was the latter. Ever since she was a kid, she had absolutely loved the snow, being captivated by the patterns of the snowflakes that would land on her mittens. Not to mention, snow meant that the most festive holiday was right around the corner - Christmas.

Suddenly, the bell hanging on the doorframe rang and snapped her out of her daze, signaling that a customer had entered the café. Turning her head towards the entrance, the girl smiled as she greeted the customers.

"Good evening! Welcome to Ruby Rose Café!" she says, observing the group that came in. It was a tall man with white hair that rivaled the snow outside, his blindfold completely hiding his eyes. Behind him followed three teenagers, including two that ogled at the desserts that were laid out in the glass display beside the counter as the other scanned the menu casually with the man.

"Good evening to you too, sweetheart!" the man replied, smiling at the girl. "I'll  get a large coffee with extra cream and sugar, as well as a slice of strawberry shortcake!"

Beckoning to the three teens behind him, he made the two enthusiastic kids tell her their order after debating on what to get. In the end, the man told them to order as much as they want, his treat, he said. Luckily, the café wasn't busy at the time. If it were, they would've been holding the line.

Lastly, the boy with black hair came up to order.

"Sorry about them.." he said, scratching his cheek as the other three bickered about which cake was better behind him. The girl giggle behind her hand, shaking her head.

"Don't worry about it. It's no problem at all." she replied. "What can I get for you?"

"I'll have a medium black coffee and a slice of the earl grey chiffon cake please." he said. ___ tapped on the screen before presenting the total price of fifty-five dollars to the white-haired man.

"That would be fifty-five dollars!" she said. The man took his wallet out from the pocket of his pants before pulling out a hundred dollar bill and handing it to the girl. She saw a glimpse of the two excitable students' gawking faces at the man's thick wallet, inwardly laughing to herself.

"Keep the change. It's my tip." the man grinned at ___. Now it was her turn to gawk. Forty-five dollars as a tip was too much for ___, no matter how tempted she was. She didn't even do anything to earn that much for a tip!

"But sir! Forty-five dollars is a lot for a tip! Are you sure?" she asked. The man chuckled before leaning close to her face, making ___ blush at the small distance between them.

"Consider it a tip for being a cutie pie." he purrs in a low, husky voice. Pulling away, he smirks at the girl before taking a seat at the booth by the window with his students. ___ barely had time to snap out of her daze before stammering out a thank you to the man.

Sitting down beside his teacher, Fushiguro raised an eyebrow at the man's actions.

"Stop flirting with the woman, you're gross. " he spat, glaring at Gojo. Gojo pouted at the boy's harsh words and leaned his head in the palm of his hand.

"Megumi, you're so mean!" he grumbled, before turning his attention back to the woman behind the counter, who was placing their order on a gold tray that matched the accents of the cafe's interior. "You're just too young to understand."

"I can't blame him. The lady's really attractive." Nobara says as she looks at ___ through the reflection of the windows.

"I bet Gojo-sensei can totally get her number!" Itadori grinned, holding a thumbs up at his teacher, causing Gojo to smirk as he sat up straight, chest puffed out and arms crossed smugly. Fushiguro's eyebrows furrowed in irritation as he glared harder at the boy sitting across him.

"Stop giving him ideas, Itadori. He'll just creep her out." Fushiguro rubbed his temples in annoyance before noticing that the woman was making her way towards their table, a large golden tray in her hands.

"Creep her out?" Gojo asked his students before letting out an arrogant scoff. "Watch and learn, kiddos."

Resting the tray on the table, ___ placed each of their orders in front of them before giving the four of them a small, gold fork neatly wrapped with a napkin.

"I hope you guys enjoy!" she smiles. Before she could walk away, Gojo cleared his throat.

"Ah, sorry to bother you miss.." he trailed off, resting his chin on his knuckles. He tilted his head charmingly as a slight pout formed on his glossy, pink lips that ___ didn't fail to notice the moment he started talking.

"You see, I lost my phone on the way here and my students' phones are all dead after being out the whole day.." Gojo sighs. "Is it alright if I use your phone to dial my number to see if anyone's picked it up?"

___ furrowed her eyebrows in pity as she reached in the pockets of her skirt to grab her phone.

"Of course! Here." she said, handing her phone to the man. Itadori cheered for his teacher silently in his corner of the booth while Fushiguro and Nobara's eye twitched in disbelief at the fact that his plan actually worked.

"You're too kind, sweetheart." Gojo chuckles, entering his number on her phone. ___'s face flushed at his pet name. This man is charming, she thought, and he knows exactly how to make use of it.

Pressing the green dial button, they all watched in silence as they waited for someone to pick up. All of a sudden, they heard a ringing coming from the pocket of his uniform. Taking his phone out, Gojo ended the call from her phone and handed it back to the puzzled girl. He had his phone in his pocket the whole time? Right as she opened her mouth to question the man's intentions, Gojo lifted his blindfold up slightly, enough to reveal his endless, blue ocean eyes that bore into ___'s soul. Sticking his thumb and pinky out, Gojo placed his hand to his ear with a small shake.

"Just kidding." Gojo winked playfully at the woman, making her breath hitch as her face exploded into shades of red. "You should call me though. I'd love to get to know you better, princess."

Holding the tray up to cover her mouth, ___ gulped and nodded sheepishly at Gojo. Satisfied with her answer, Gojo pulled his blindfold back over his eyes. He tapped on her number and filled out her contact information.

"Mm, what should I name you.." he mumbles, placing a hand on his chin. "Princess? Cutie pie?"

"___.." she speaks out, making Gojo gaze up at the blushing girl. "Just put my name as ___.."

Gojo smiled.

"What a beautiful name for a beautiful lady." he responds, typing out her name. "I'm Gojo Satoru, but you can call me anytime."

Fushiguro and Nobara groaned at the pick up line, making ___ giggle at the teens. Lowering the tray, ___ started to walk away backwards, almost bumping into a table.

"Well, Gojo.. I must be a snowflake." she trailed off, gesturing to the snow drifting outside. She swung her hands behind her back as she shot the man a wink. "Because it seems like I'm falling for you."

And with that, ___ turned on her heel and made her way back behind the counter, a smile still plastered on her face. Gojo smacked a hand on his chest dramatically, mouth open in a smile as he sighed dreamily.

"I think I've fallen in love.." he whispered, making Fuhsiguro and Nobara shake their head at their teacher's antics.

"Nice one, Gojo-sensei!!" Itadori exclaimed, giving him a high-five.

Glancing back at their table from time to time, ___'s knees couldn't help but go weak whenever she would catch Gojo staring at her through his blindfold. He blew a kiss at her, making Fushiguro facepalm as he groaned at his teacher.

Ah, it was indeed the best time of the year.

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