Qe Qre Qirends :)

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Swearing so watch out

Peter sat on the edge of a building, his legs swinging back and forth absentmindedly.

The sun had set not too long ago and the street lights had just flickered to life. Save the lights below, only Peter's phone illuminated him atop the dark roof. The thumbs seemed to blur as he switched from a heated debate in the YouTube comment section, to doing a type of quid pro quo of memes in his "HECK'N COOL COOL KIDZS CHAT" chat, and hounding Dr. to write him a referral to spy doctor school (he wasn't all too interested in becoming a medical professional, but a spy would be rad.)

Peter was scanning his list of reasons he should be able to get into spy doctor school (they were many in number and absolutely all valid reasons). A feeling washed over Peter, not a tsunami he knew at times, but that of standing in the ocean letting the waves lap softly at him.

He turned and saw a familiar redhead walking towards him. Putting his phone away, as he waved at her. He winced a bit but hid it well enough.

"What are you doing out here?" Peter asked as she sat on the ledge next to him. They sat together for a while, the sky growing darker.

"I saw a video,"  She started bluntly looking out over the city, "it was you got your ass kicked."

"I wouldn't say that, he got a few hits in but-" his words died on his tongue. Unlike him, Widow did not wear a mask, so her disbelieving look was hard to miss.

"Ребенок паук, you got your shit rocked," her words were said as fact, and any disagreements he could have brought forth were smartly kept to himself. Then her eyes grew softer, but still held an edge, "But not anymore. I will help you get stronger,"

Peter couldn't help but blink, "You're gonna... help me?"

She did not respond but instead stood up and began walking. Peter quickly scrambled up after her. How was he to turn down ANYTHING, let alone help, from the Black Widow? 

He followed her as she led him through the streets of New York. Then, to an old abandoned building. It looked like what was once an old factory of sorts, now left to the elements and new york itself. The state of the building and its placement had him second-guessing. But Widow had yet to do him any harm, and he had yet to have any negative spider-sense from her. So he went in.

He did know what to expect ( A lie he secretly hoped it was a cover for a high tech something cool or another. Or maybe her own Batcave! Widow's Web would be a cool name! Leaves seemed to have somehow made it inside for what trees were anyone's best guess. Maybe a rat dragged them in for decorations.

It was a large building but it didn't hold just a large empty room as he expected. Half was taken up by different rooms. Peter saw the impression shadows of machines that one stood where he walked past. Then they made it to one of the walled-off rooms, and Widow opened the door with a push. The door seemed like it hadn't been opened in years and groaned loudly in complaint of being opened.

The inside of the room was nothing like the outside. It was like in the movies where they open the door and a bright light on the other side shone through. But instead of the bright pure glow, there was a stearl white light accompanied by the hum of the lights. They stepped through onto an observation deck 

The room was quite large. It seemed to be an old docking bay for shipping trucks, but the docking bays were now bricked up. The bricked up walls seemed to have been painted over, but the boxing arena under them pulled his attention.

It looked a bit old but well taken care of. At least Peter thought so. Contrary to popular belief, Peter was not all that into boxing. He didn't get a good look at the rest of the room before Widow turned and spoke to him.

There was an offer in her eyes, a challenge for him to take up. "You win, but you fought hard to win. You take risks you have no need in taking. You waste energy you desperately need at the end, or the next fight. You are good, but what happens when someone strong comes along? What shall you do then?"

Peter looked back at her, then leaning against the railing he looked down. His fist clenched tight as the thought of something happening to his loved ones, something awful, just because he was too weak.

Widow let him simmer in his own thoughts, watching as his emotions were so vivid, even with his face hidden. Then, he turned back to her.

"What do I do?"

Her mouth ticked upwards, "We train."


Peter let himself flop onto the floor with a tired hrmph. He barely paid mind to the dust and dirt that erupted from his fall. Nope, just enjoyed the cool floor.

Peter probably could have drifted off to sleep. He was tired and Widow didn't set off his senses.

Well until there was a whisper before he felt someone nudging him with their foot. He opened his eyes to see Widow was standing over him offering a bottle of water.

Peter took the water as he sat off. She returned to where she had been sitting earlier, as if obvious to the struggle she had just handed peter. It wasn't just a bottle of water. It was a question of trust. Did he trust her? 

He only sat there a moment's hesitation before he dug his thumb under his mask. Pulling it up just under his nose, he took a quick swig of water.

He pulled his mask back down once he finished drinking. It felt like clinging to a safety blanket, and with this... maybe he didn't have to hold on so tight.

His thoughts were interrupted by the sound of Widow opening a drawer. Then taking something out, she tossed it to him. Peter fumbled to catch it, somehow. With Black Widow's pinpoint aim and Peter's spider senses... nonetheless, Peter didn't drop it.

Once stable enough to hold it without dropping it, Peter noticed what it was, "A phone?"

"Yeah, and don't worry, there's no tracker on it. But if you need to contact me, or vice versa, we have a way now. If you need anything, please contact me," 


Warnings for bad words I guess, IDK ppl don't know Spider-Man is like 8 so no scrubbing words for the bb.

Ight, now that the cat's out of the bag. Hand em over. I want da fics. Give me bruce fics. I want fics with the boi. Happy boi? Sad boi? Sassy boi? Plz, give me boi that is more than a glorified background character. Plz, just one plz. I lied, I crave many. Hand em over partner or I'm a have to turn into a root'n toot'n shoot'n cow and steal em like the old frontier. I'll... change all your contact names to Dave 1 to however many I find just... Can I plz have b o i? Hand over Brucie Boi Banner.

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