"jealous guy"

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where are you

i'm with gene

what are you doing with him?

i told you we were hanging out tonight


are u okay

corpse 🖤

i'm serious

read. god damn it. i read the messages over and over again to check if I said something wrong. i slammed my phone down as i huffed in my seat

"you good?" i heard gene said

"yeah I'm okay" i tiredly smiled at him, "just corpse being ridiculous"

gene and i met back in high school,

i remembered meeting him, we were on the school bus. he was seating alone, and at that time there was no more empty seat, so i sat beside him. he's wearing a headphone in one ear, his phone was on his lap.

i peered down, silently looking to what he's listening to, led zeppelin.

he quickly turns off his phone when he saw me peeking, turning his head looking at me confusingly. "hey?", he asked still confused.

"h-hey sorry" i looked down, "didn't mean to- you know. not tryna weird you out- i just-"

"it's fine", he chuckled.

"i like your taste. Jimmy Page is my favorite guitarist" i looked at him smiling proudly

"no way! mine's too" he grinned, he offered his other headphone motioning it towards me

i accept it and smiled at him. that's where it all started.

"you know you should go back to him, sienna is also waiting for me", gene snapped me out of my trance. that's the thing. gene already has a girlfriend, which corpse clearly doesn't know about.

"yeah, great idea" i nodded putting my water down, "see you later?"

"yeah of course, bye", he opened his arms to me motioning for a hug. we hugged for a couple of seconds until i decided to release him.

i grabbed my keys to my car as i got in, turning it on. after a 15 minutes ride, i finally got home. opening the door i rushed in looking for corpse

"baby?" i called him

i heard a sound from a living room, quickly noticing it was the tv. i walk towards the sound to see corpse sleeping quietly on the couch. i rushed over to him kneeling in front of his face

"hey, darl" i whispered to corpse gently touching his soft cheeks, waking him up

he slowly opened his eyes. when he noticed it was me he gave me a sad smile.

"hey" he whispered back, "I've missed you," he said smiling softly at me. he sat up from his sleeping position pulling me towards his lap

"why are you sleeping on the couch?" i asked, diving my hand in his delicate locks affectionately

"i waited for you" his deep voice replied tiredly

i chuckled at his cuteness, "you scared me you know"

"how come" he looked at me confused

"you left me on read, and apparently i got worried" i laughed

he chuckled, grabbing the remote from beside me turning the tv off. he repositioned me on his lap, shockingly, he stands up bringing me with him. he carried me bridal style as he walked towards our bedroom.

he carefully lay me down on the right side of the bed, and practically jumping on the bed himself, "I'm sorry, i didn't mean to. i got jealous" he said, burying his head in the crook of my neck

i gaped at him, grabbing his cheeks so he was staring at me, which he didn't like because i heard him whine, but i forced him to look at me,

"you got jealous?" i stared at him waiting for his reply

he softly groaned, "i don't want to talk about it", i can feel him smiling softly when he put his head back to my neck.

"corpse he has a girlfriend so you don't have to worry" i reassured him petting his cheeks

"oh" he trailed off, "oops"

i laughed at him, staring up to the ceiling, "stop laughing at me" i heard him say

"sorry", i snorted squeezing him tightly
he hugged me closer than before, if it's even possible. he kissed my neck softly before sighing,

"i'm just a jealous guy"

omg 1.1k readers no wayyy you guys are amazing! thank youuu ily

also, i take requests! so request whatever you want (i need some ideas hehe)

stay safe, 4 votes i'll write some more x

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