Day Three: Stargazing

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A/N: Law and Luffy sneak off while at a bonfire on the beach with their friends.

Word count: 765

"C'mon!" Luffy pulled on Law's arm, dragging him away from the commotion loud bonfire. Law stumbled over the sand as the glow from the fire got dimmer and dimmer and the only thing there to light their path was the moonlight.

"Luffy where are you taking me?" Law sighed in exasperation. Luffy didn't say anything put he let go of Law's arm and took Law's hand instead, lacing his fingers between Law's.

Luffy dragged Law all the way to the rock mound that was on the beach. Luffy went into the rocks and the others disappeared from sight. Law could barely hear Brook strumming on his guitar anymore, or Shachi and Penguin singing The Last Saskatchewan Pirate very poorly.

"Look, Torao!" Luffy grinned and pulled Law to the other side of the rock mound. Law looked out on the horizon, when they had pulled up to the beach, the sea had been choppy and waves were crashing on the shore but now the water was so calm the entire sky was resting on the sea's surface. It was beautiful.

Law looked up at the sky and he could see the faint outline of the Milkyway dividing the sky.

"Isn't it pretty!" Luffy said, he hugged Law's arm to his chest and leaned against Law side.

Law smiled just a little bit. "Yeah, it is," he agreed.

Luffy let go of Law's arm and hugged Law. For comfort, Law wrapped his arm around Luffy's shoulders. Law pressed a kiss against Luffy's temple and hugged Luffy closer to him.

"Oh, I almost forgot, I have something for you," Luffy said.

"Oh?" Law looked down at Luffy, he was already digging through his pockets. "What's the occasion?"

"Shishi, you'll see," Luffy said. He pulled something small from his pocket but Law couldn't quite make it out in the dark.

Luffy stepped away from Law and stood in front of and opened up a small black box.


"Bonney said that you wanted to get married one day," Luffy said. "I don't really care much about that stuff, but I love you and if that's what you want, I want it too."

"Luffy-ya," Law could barely make out the ring in the box. Law smiled at Luffy. "Are you proposing to me?"

"Well, yeah, I thought that was obvious," Luffy said.

"Well, you haven't actually asked me," Law pointed out.

"Oh right," Luffy muttered. Luffy took a step back and kneeled into the sand in front of Law.

Luffy held the box out to Law and gave Law that signature grin that was as bright as the sun.

"Tor-" Luffy caught himself. These things were supposed to be proper, Luffy's couldn't just use that nickname now. "Law, will you marry me?"

"Of course, I will," Law said with a smile that he tended to only ever get around Luffy. Luffy stood up again and took Law's hand. He slid the ring over Law's finger. It was a little too big but it could be resized easily.

"C'mere," Law said, he pulled on Luffy's shirt and brought him closer, Law kissed Luffy and kissed him slowly. Luffy wrapped his arms around Law's neck, he clutched the ring box in on hand and ran his other hand through Law's hair. Law's lips ew\were soft and took Luffy's breath away. Luffy was so excited he couldn't keep himself from smiling into their kiss.

They parted slowly, foreheads still touching.

"I love you," Law murmured.

"I love you too," Luffy said with a small, sweet smile.

"Just how long have you been planning this?" Law asked.

"Since yesterday," Luffy said. "I wanted to wait longer but I got too excited."

"Hm," Law hummed. "You know, if you had waited much longer, you wouldn't have gotten the chance to propose at all."

"What?" Luffy muttered.

"You know how we're going out to the bar with Zoro and Shachi tomorrow?" Law asked.

"Uh-huh," Luffy nodded.

"Well, we weren't going to do that, I was going to take you to Baratie and propose," Law explained. "Sanji was going to put the ring in a glass of wine, I picked wine because I know you would chug it because it's bitter."

"Shishishi," Luffy grinned. "Wait, then how come Bonney didn't know when I talked to her?"

"I didn't tell her, only Zoro, Sanji and Shachi knew," Law said. "Well, and Cora."

"Did you not say anything to Zoro?"

"Nope, just Ace and Bonney."

"Wow," Law chuckled. "At least we're on the same page, huh?" Law said.

Luffy stole another kiss from Law, it was short and quick.

"I guess so!" Luffy agreed. 

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