Day Nine: Vertigo (Dizzy)

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A/N: Law got a little nervous about asking Luffy to their highschool's dance. Even if the dance had already started, Law didn't think it was too late. 

word count: 1.7k

Law felt somewhat out of place around Luffy's friends, even all dressed up like they were for the school dance. They were popular and didn't really care about it a bit. As a matter of fact, they didn't even care what the other students thought, they just did what they wanted, when they wanted to, and that was it.

Law liked to think he didn't care what others had to say about him, but that wasn't entirely true. Not really.

Law caught sight of Luffy heading out of the cafeteria into the enclosed courtyard of their high school. Luffy was alone, that was unusual. Law's instincts told him to follow after Luffy, so he did. Without thinking twice. Hanging around Luffy so much had that effect on Law, he just tended to stop thinking.

Law had been itching to kiss Luffy for weeks but it was impossible to catch him alone. And Law wasn't the type to go around making public displays of affection. He and Luffy weren't exactly an item yet. Despite all indirect flirting they had been doing for weeks.

Especially not after he just realized he had a thing for guys as well as girls, was there even a name for that? Law pushed the thought aside, he could debate over the legitimacy of his sexuality later. Aside from that, Law really had no business kissing Luffy. It wasn't like he and Luffy weren't exactly an item yet. Despite all indirect flirting they had been doing for weeks. Right now it was just him and Luffy.

Law might as well take advantage of the opportunity though. It was now or never, as the saying goes. The worse that could happen is that Luffy rejected Law. Law caught sight of Luffy going around the corner of the building and followed. All the other students that were in the courtyard were near the entrance to the gym, so they didn't take much notice of Luffy, or Law.

"Luffy-ya," Law leaned against the railing that acted as a safety precaution against the steep drop that was bellow them. The school was on a hill, so the courtyard overlooked the street below and the park across the street.

"Oh! Hey Torao!" Luffy greeted Law with a smile, he pulled on his tie a little to loosen in. Law gulped and tried not to pay too much attention to how attractive that was. "It's so hot in there it makes out here feel like winter!"

"Yeah, it does," Law agreed, not really able to throw banter with Luffy like he usually did. Law felt really nervous now that he was here. This is ridiculous, it was Luffy for fucks sake.

"I think Usopp's gunna start a breakdance circle when the right song comes on, he was talking about it on the way here," Luffy said.

"I'd like to see you doing that," Law said with a smirk. he glanced over at Luffy to catch his reaction.

"If it looks fun I might!" Luffy grinned and looked down at the road below them. "Maybe I'll drag you in too!"

Law scoffed, "It will have to be my dead body."

"I don't think a dead body would dance very well, even if it was you," Luffy stated. Law turned to face Luffy, propping his elbow up on the railing and leaning against it still.

"Well, guess I won't be dancing," Law said.

"Why did you come to a dance if you don't like to dance?" Luffy asked, giving Law a puzzled glance. "That sounds like something an idiot would do.

"Oh, I like dancing, but only with my date," Law said. He was more than a little shocked that sentence even came out of his mouth. Law didn't even know where he was going with this. He didn't have a date and he had no idea what Luffy might say to that.

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