Day Four: Betrayal

1.1K 49 16

A/N:  It's true that most alliances between pirates end in Betrayal. Law didn't want this one to end that way. 

TW: major character death 

Word Count: 2.2k

"Law!" The shriek that echoed across the battlefield made Law's ears ring. Law spun around, looking for the source. They had been yelling his name but there was too much going on. Then Nami was by his side. Something in his stomach turned when he saw the look on her face. Panic set in Law's chest and his hands shook, Law clutched his sword tight.

"Where's Luffy?"

"Up there!" Nami's voice hitched with panic and Law looked up. Luffy was falling from the top floor of Kaido's palace. Where the big fight had been. Law knew he should be up there with Luffy but he got caught up in all this chaos on the way there.

"He's not moving..." Nami said.

"Room!" Law didn't hesitate. Luffy was far away but if Law learned anything in Dressrosa it was that he could push his room far beyond its limits. He brought Luffy to them. Law just hoped that this was a repeat of Dressrosa, and Luffy just need that cool down.

That wasn't the case, and Law knew it as soon as he laid eyes on Luffy. He was beaten beyond recognition. What wasn't bruised was covered in blood. Nami gasped.


"Where's Tony-ya!?" Law asked. He'd need all the help he could get. Luffy looked worse than he had after the war and Law just hoped to any god that might exist that all that blood wasn't Luffy's.

"I don't know," Nami muttered, though she was looking around.

"Help me get him out of here, it's not safe!" Law said he was already picking Luffy up, pulling Luffy's arm over his shoulder. Nami did the same and they dragged Luffy into the wreckage and hid in a building Law was certain wasn't structurally sound.

That didn't matter right now.

Nami and Law laid Luffy down on the ground. Law took Luffy's wrist, his hands shook as he tried to find a pulse. Part of Law didn't want to for fear of not finding one.

Law didn't need another person he loved dying. He couldn't take that again. Another loved one dying because of his own stupid choices. But he found it, Luffy's pulse, it was faint, but there. Law sighed in relief.

"Is he..."

"No, not yet anyway, I need Tony-ya," Law said. He couldn't do this on his own.

"I'll find him!" Nami said. "Just keep Luffy alive until then!" Nami said. "He's going to live!"

Law wasn't so sure about that. Law opened his room. He'd do what he could for now but he needed the supplies he knew Chopper had, and he needed Chopper's help.

"You won't die here," Law muttered. "I promise..." Law clenched his jaw, trying to keep his lip from trembling.

Law focused on Luffy, his beaten and bruised body. Luffy should have had broken bones from how badly he was beaten, he shouldn't be alive.

Luckily for the both of them, that devil fruit had Luffy's back.

But the internal bleeding was beyond belief. Luffy was going to bleed out and Law wasn't sure what he could do even with Chopper's help. Law closed his room. He'd need as much energy as he could get to save Luffy when Chopper got there.

Law heard footsteps coming towards him. It was way too soon for Nami to be coming back. Law drew his sword and pressed himself against the wall next to the entrance.

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