18 | What Potter Doesn't Know

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Just in case you didn't see the note in the beginning
of the story, I aged [y/n] and Draco up to 17. 

EDIT:  you guys make me laugh lol, no this is not for mature reasons, it's just because I feel more comfortable with writing the characters 16-17 instead of 14 regarding the situation. not mature darlings, <3 




DRACO MALFOY likes me.

I've almost gotten killed by a three-headed dog, killed a Basilisk with a sword from 990 A.D, survived a swarm of Dementors, but nothing—absolutely nothing— could have prepared me for that wonderful tidbit of information.

A few minutes after I changed into Draco's t-shirt, I found myself curled up under his silk blankets, watching as he brushed his teeth in the connected bathroom (I brushed my teeth before I came here. I'm not unhygienic). Sometimes I forgot he was wealthy.

"I'm praying Hermione doesn't wake up and realize I'm not there," I sighed, pressing my cheek into the satin pillow, "I need a good excuse if she does."

Draco stopped brushing his teeth, spitting into the sink and dropping his toothbrush into a cup.

"Tell her you had to see Madame Pomfrey," he suggested, wiping his mouth with the back of his hand.

I smiled in amusement, "I used that excuse last time."

"Use it again."

"She's Hermione, she'll see right through it."

"Well, there is one solution to that," he grinned slyly, pressing his palms against the rim of his marble counter, "you could always tell her you were with me."

I snorted, "rule number two, Draco."

"Stupid rules."

"That's rule number seven."

"You just want to punch me, don't you?" He chuckled, "the rules don't apply when we're alone."

I smiled to myself, propping my elbow up onto the mattress to keep my head up. It was definitely cooler in the Slytherin common room, a chill always lingering around the space, and occasionally I'd turn my head and see a fish swimming around from the windows.

Yes, the Slytherin common room was under the Black Lake. Spooky, right?

Draco glanced at his reflection, ruffling his platinum hair in the mirror, before turning to look at me. He had a cheeky grin on his face.

"Pity you're in Gryffindor," he remarked, "you look good in green."

I laughed, rolling my eyes, "laying it on thick with the compliments, are we?"

"I'm only doing it because I know you like them."

"Want me to give you a compliment?"

"Try your best."

I waited for him to make his way over to the bed, collapsing down next to me with a tired exhale. What? Yes, we were sharing a bed. It's cliche, I know, but what did you want him to do? Accio another bed out of thin air? Besides, we set boundaries beforehand, so I was lawfully allowed to sock him in the face if he tried anything.

I flipped around to face him, squinting my eyes in thought.

"Here's a compliment," I said bluntly, batting my eyelashes, "ready to hear it?"

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