Chapter 4: Meeting Kaito Momota

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I woke up. 7:47. I rushed up, brushed my hair, and got dressed before rushing out the door. Kokichi and Nagito we're probably tired of waiting and didn't want to be late. That was understandable. 

Eventually I made it to school. I checked the time. 7:57. Crap. I had to be to class by 8. I rushed to class and managed to make it before the bell. Although out of breath, I took my seat next to Shuichi. "Hello there, Y/N." Ms. Utsugi said. I lifted my head from my desk and gave her a tired smile before putting it back down. 

She began the lecture and I ended up staring out the window all period.  The bell rang after what felt like a year and we got our stuff and left. "Hey, Y/N." Shuichi said as we left. "Mornin'." I replied sleepily. "Y/N! Y/N! Why did you wake up so late?" Kokichi asked, rushing towards me. 

"I have no clue! Anyway, We already have a test tomorrow in Ms. Utsugi's class. Something comforting might help me but I'll let you guys decide." I said. "Already?! Mr. Kemuri said we won't have a test until 4 weeks in." Kokichi said.

We began walking to class. I sighed. It seems I had all my periods with Shuichi. I can't believe they go so fast, though. 'I don't want them to go that fast. I wanna stay there with him. He's...comforting?' I thought. I was lost in my thoughts and ended up hitting a wall. "Y/N! A-are you ok?" Shuichi asked, reaching out his hand to help me up. 

I grabbed his hand to accept the help. It was so warm.. I didn't want that moment to end. Despite the irony. "Heyy, Shuichi!" A voice echoed from across the hall. "Oh, hey, Kaito." Shuichi said, pulling me up. 

"Oooo~! Did ya get a girlfriend already?" 'Kaito' said. Shuichi blushed at the comment "N-no! Oh! I should introduce you, though. Y/N, This Kaito. Kaito, this is Y/N." Shuichi said. "Nice!" Kaito said, happily. He was a good 6'0 and I was Y/H (your height). Welp. Looks like I'll have to snap my neck to look at him. ([me being salty that im 4'11] ignore this if you're his height or taller)

We walked into period 2 which happened to have Kokichi and Nagito in it too. "Hello! I'm guessing you're Y/N L/N, Shuichi Saihara, and Kaito Momota? I'm your substitute, Ms. Maizono." The teacher said. We nodded and sat down.

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