Chapter 12: The Deal (Part 1)

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Prince Canis Major, Lieutenant-General Crux Chevalier, and three Crown Champions began their quest to find Pierre Delacroix in Pyxis's South End.

They harassed the poor, the drunk, and the homeless. When the subjects of their interrogations were rude or unhelpful, the ruthless quintet used threats of death to loosen their tongues. A number of suggestions led them to the Dark Nebula, a grimy tavern by the West River.

They entered the hole in the rock wall—and that description was exceedingly generous—and secured a primitive, sticks-and-twine table by drawing their swords. Even the toughest patrons moved aside.

While Crux and the soldiers took a seat, Canis lowered himself onto the corner of the only remaining "chair" with extreme caution. He didn't want to soil his hands or clothes on anything unsavory.

A scantily clad barmaid eventually fluttered over to their table with wings that were fractured, notched, and frayed at every edge. It would have been quicker to walk. "Can I get you Royals something to drink?"

Crux spoke first. "We're here for information, no delays, no excuses, and if you don't—"

"Crux, please," Canis interrupted, "be pleasant." He put a hand up in an attempt to counter the angry red hue of Crux's face. "Let the lovely fem-fairy do her job before we get to know one another." He tossed in her direction a gold coin and his best debonair smile. "Five ales. Your finest. Please and thank you."

The barmaid gaped at the gold in her hand. She pocketed the coin and returned promptly with five mugs.

"You can keep the change," Canis said, his face surely souring at his first taste of their finest ale. "Now, your name is?"

The barmaid turned back toward him . . . with extreme caution. "Gemini."

"Ah, yes. Lovely. Gemini, are you aware of the goings-on in this fine establishment?"

Gemini pursed her lips to the side when he used "fine" to describe her place of employment. "I suppose you could say that."

"Well then, we were told Pierre Delacroix frequents this place. Are you acquainted with him?"

Gemini gulped and fiddled with the sloppy, straw-like hair by her ears. "I've heard of him."

"Where can we find him?" Crux chimed in abruptly. He leaned so far forward, straining to hear her answer, that he looked as if he might hover off his chair.

Canis gave him a glance or warning, trusting it would be his last. "Gemini, any information you can give us would be greatly appreciated. Have you seen him here lately?"

Her eyes wandered, pointlessly, guiltily. "I said I've heard of him. I wouldn't be able to pick him out of a crowd, though."

A clear lie, Canis thought. He moved his face into the torchlight. "I'm confident you can do better than that, Gemini. Where can we find him?"

"Sorry. Pierre doesn't tell anyone where he's going these days." The barmaid turned away.

"Wait!" Canis pulled a handful of gold out of his pocket. "Can you venture a guess, love?"

She turned back around. "You can ask the Banker," she replied as if hypnotized, her eyes fixed on the gold. "He knows everyone. He's sitting in the back."

With an indolent flick of the eyes, she pointed out the Banker's approximate location. And he was easy to pick out from there.

"Now, was that so hard? We are through with you, Gemini. You may go." Canis gave her one additional piece of gold and thrust the rest back in his pocket. "Crux, come with me." Then he said to the others, "You three, stay here and try to stay awake."

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