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This is the section where I do announcements,

The format is (DD/MM/YYYY)


I'm going to be changing the story and stuff.
So there's going to be a few changes in the logic, etc.
Remember that I said Russia is Germany's brother?
Well I'm changing the siblings stuff, age and others.

Germany is brothers with East Germany (who's not here-).
Russia is siblings with Ukraine, Kazakhstan, Belarus and Estonia.
Netherlands is siblings with Belgium and Luxembourg.
Indonesia is siblings with the entire ASEAN (and Timor-Leste if you don't know).
Poland is a single child (idk).
Finland is brothers with the rest of the Nordics.
USA is brothers with Canada, Australia and New Zealand.

I include other characters just incase they appeared before or anything.
Seriously, I forgot the storyline, like the entire thing.
So I'm going to make a little fresh start for Chapter 7, alr?
There's also a NetherNesia story I'm working on rn so please be patient ^^


I updated the chapter names in the story! I hope it looks more organized.
I'll also be changing the cover with the cover I made.


I made some character introduction on the Introduction chapter :0
You can check it out for more information about them.
Anddd it's not their full information- so I'll add details later!



So people from other platforms might have hated this story because they're Polish or German-
For the last time, I apologize because this is the first fanfic I have ever made, with characters that I do not own.
When I was 8, I usually make stories about adventures, so this is the first ever time I made a love story, and I don't know how it goes like.
Yes, maybe I was taken once, but it's different from this one y'know- this is a face to face story, not love through the internet.
One more time, I apologize if you feel offended because the 2020 me made cringe stuff about your country that is included here.


Yeah I think that's all of the changes, if I have any more changes I'll edit this version and republish it.

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