Chapter 3

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I didn't want to get up from bed. My parents would kill me if I didn't. I was turning over a new leaf and being responsible.

I hopped out of bed and quickly got ready. I put my hair up in a bun and put on my workout clothes. I ran out of the dorm, not wanting to be late.

I made it to the gym. I opened the door, and to my surprise, I didn't see anyone. It was dark. That's when it happened.

When the door closed behind me, making the room completely dark. Something jumped out at me. I felt if a punch was coming towards me and I quickly ducked, knowing it left the rib open I quickly kicked their side and punched their face. I heard a thud knowing they were on the ground. I followed them to the ground, I took my stake out and pretended that I was gonna stake them, leaving them "dead."

I heard someone else coming towards me, I quickly made my first move, I punched their stomach, hoping it would catch them off balance, it barely fazed them. They went for a punch, I dodged, and went for another kick that I missed. they went for another punch, actually hitting me this time, I stumbled back, knowing this was gonna hurt like a bitch when all of this adrenaline wears off and my leave a nasty bruise. I went for the punch catching them off guard, and "staking them."

The lights turn back on. The person in front of me was my father. I turned around to see who was the first attacker, it was Malakai. My mother was standing at the light switch.

"Not bad." She said walking towards us, "With Kai, I wouldn't have gone for the kick, knowing the side was exposed I would have just gone straight in the stake. You could have done that if you had your stake in hand, not in your pocket." My mother rarely complimented me, "You did good with your dad, you knew what moves he was gonna do, he caught you by surprise, but the way you anticipated his every move was good, we can work on the little thing you missed, but a good fight especially in the dark.

"She complimented me." I looked at my dad.

He laughed, "Don't get used to it Katerina."

We separated into two groups. My mom and I, and my dad was with Malakai. My mom and I were sparing, we both gave each other nasty hits, that would leave some bruising. She would criticize my hits, and help me fit them up. My Dad was with Malakai, spending his time teaching and perfecting his hits.

"Never thought I would see Hathaway as a teacher." a voice said.

My mom turns around, dodging my hit, "Alberta." my mother smiled. Alberta is standing at the doorway to the back, Steve is right behind her. They came from the back door.

"I don't know if you want to clear out of the gym before, a group of novices come in and start acting like fangirls."

"Actually, Dimitri and I would like to stay to observe."

"Of course, the kids would love for you guys to be here."

I looked at Malakai. He looked excited. He didn't get how bad this was. My parents, two of the greatest guardians in the world, maybe even in the history of all guardians were gonna be here, watching me spare. If no one knew who I was, everyone was gonna try to impress them by beating up their daughter.

Everyone started slowly trickling in. I saw Davina walk in so I ran up to her. I completely forgot that she was supposed to come this morning.

"Hey, where were you?" I asked her.

"Did you really kiss Asher Zelkos?" her question caught me off guard, she noticed my lack of a response, "He's Kenna's boyfriend."

That caught me off guard, "He never said anything, I didn't know."

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