1~Get to know Xepher

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Please read the little editors note at the bottom.. Ok, I'll stop bothering you now, enjoy😊❤

Hi, my name is Xepher, Xepher Wolf to be exact. I've been in love with some girl.. Well, not just some girl, my best friend, Cassie Martin. I haven't been out of the closet to anyone, well except, my "boyfriend", Griffin. I told him I liked girls, he understood, which was amazing. We say we're still together, but its just a cover up, and may I just add, his acting is on point! I know, its bad that we're hiding it from our friends, but I'm scared to come out to them, mainly cause I'm scared for Cassie's reaction.. She may say she's ok with it, but what happens if we drift apart after I come out to everyone? I think some of them know I like girls, well, mainly the girls. Most of the guys are blind even when things are in plain sight, I swear..

(Hi! Umm I hope you liked this.. Can you guys please let me know if I should continue this..? I thought I should try something new since I never see anything of the girls, I've been working on a Katrina x reader one, but I don't know if I should post it.. Thoughts..?)

I love her.. | Xepher Wolf x Cassie MartinWhere stories live. Discover now