6~ Girls Day pt. 3

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*time skip to when Xepher gives Cassie her clothes*

Xeph's POV

"Ok, I guess it's my turn to give Cas her stuff I got her. Um, I'll be back guys!" I went upstairs, to my room to grab the bag that has her shoes, blue dress, and the cute red 2 piece, leaving the bag of lingerie in my room to give to her before she left, so the girl didn't know.

I head back dowstairs to the living room to give her her bag.

Once I handed her ther bag she looked at me with somewhat pleading eyes, asking if she could open it. I slightly nod my head in approval and she gets right to opening it. I bit my bottom lip hoping she doesn't hate it.

The first thing she pulls out is the blue dress, she looks at me with a excited yet somewhat questioning look.

"I looked at it and just thought it would look amazing on you. I got a pair of fishnets that I could give you for underneath it." I say looking at her smiling.

Cas then pulls out the red 2 piece. She looks at me in awe and then I see her eyes watering a little.

"Same with the blue dress." I say smiling a little bigger.

She gets to the bottom of the bag and pulls out the shoes, she instantly shot up off the couch and hugged me.

I giggle a little then say "Suprise!" While hugging her even tighter. I can hear her sniffling a little.

Cas' POV

I look up at her and say "You knew I wanted those shoes so bad!" I say digging my head into her chest even more.

All I hear is a little giggle of her saying "I know Cas, that's why I got them." She starts hugging me a little bit more tighter, and then she starts running her hand through my hair.

God she makes me fall for her more everyday. Wait, no, I'm straight.

My thoughts get cut off by a voice saying "Ya' know, your hair is really soft." Xeph says chuckling.

I pull away and look straight into her eyes for about 15 seconds then say "Thank you so much Xeph." I wrap my arms around her neck and hug her again.

I go back to the couch and put my stuff back into the bag.

(WOAH THIS IS NEW! I know, it's not just Xepher's POV! I'm going to be doing a lot more of their POVs. I wanna know if everyone wants a part about Cassie's POV in part 1 of Girls Day. Anyway signing off for now, love ya guys!)

I love her.. | Xepher Wolf x Cassie MartinWhere stories live. Discover now