9~ Movie Night pt.3

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Cassie's POV

We started watching most of the movies, we got halfway into the 3rd movie and I was laying my head on Xepher's lap. She always let me do this, so it wasn't a big deal.
I knew the next movie was the scary one and I know how Xepher is with them, so I'm trying not to make it obvious. She literally passes out from them, but I'm here to make sure that doesn't happen.

~~~~~~~~~~After the movie ends~~~~~~~~~~

I hit play on the movie and lay there in her lap, once I know a scary part's coming up, I look at her to make sure she's ok. I don't want to overwhelm her..

Xepher's POV

Cassie put on a scary movie.. I'm fucked.. What the fuck do I do?! I start hyperventilating.

"Hey hey hey! It's ok! I'm here!" is the first thing I hear from Cassie, but that wasn't enough to calm me down. She pauses the movie where it is, and sits in my lap pulling me close to her.

"I'll take it out in a minute.. Breathe, I'll put in another movie." Cassie says starting to get up. I pull her back down and hide my face in her cheast. I start rocking us back and forth.

"D-D-Don't l-l-l-leave m-e Cas.. P-P-please.." I say to her, not wanting to be alone from her for a second.

"Ok Xeph. I'll stay here." She says.

It's been a couple of minutes of us sitting in silence, but it's comfortable. I'm glad she's in my life.

Cassie's POV

I've been thinking... I think I like Xepher.. I've been in denial for a while, and I think it's time she knows.. I want to wait a little bit longer, but for now. I just wanna hold her tight and never let go. I know I have Reggie, but I'm pretty sure he's gay. I really think he likes Ariya. While Ariya was out traveling the world, all Reggie would talk about is how much he missed him. Once Ariya got back, they haven't left each others sides. That's why i've been wanting to spend time with the girls, I can't ever hang out with my own boyfriend, so why can't I hang out with my girlfriends?

~~~~~~~~~~~~~5 minutes later~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

I'm trying to give Xepher hints that I like her. I pulled her down on top of me on the couch, played with her hair, whispered sweet nothings to her, amd kisses her forehead to reasure her that I'm still there and I love her. I don't wanna pressure her, but I want her to me mine and only mine.. I don't care if she's with Griffin or not..

Xepher's POV

I've calmed down a whole lot since the movie. I think I'm ready to tell Cassie, she deserves to know anyway. Hopefully we can still be friends after this..

I love her.. | Xepher Wolf x Cassie MartinWhere stories live. Discover now