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Madison De Luca-16 years old
Davina De Luca -16years old

Xavier De Luca -18 years old

Xander De Luca-18 years old

Mason De Luca- 22 years old

Nathan De Luca- 24 years old

Alessi De Luca- 25 years old

Blue and red lights flashing through the window of the house, cops swarming around the yard.
The cops kicked the door open breaking the lock. Yelling for everyone to get on the ground, searching for my mom and step father.

Minutes went by they got both in hand cuffs taking them to the back of the police car.  A lady came through the door, explaining the new found situation. Words going in one ear and going out the other I couldn't comprehend anything that is happening until a few words broke me out of my trance.

You have brothers who will take you in.

Hi my name is Davina De Luca and this is my messed up story.

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