1. Meeting or reunited?

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Davina's POV
My life has never been the best, I was always the screw up twin, bad grades, fighting, and drinking until I forgot my own name. My twin Madison was the perfect twin, popular, smart, head cheerleader, and the favourite child. My mom and stepdad hated me with the passion, told me I was worthless, a screw up, they would beat me black and blue. Madison didn't know about the abuse, then maybe she would feel bad. Madison hates me she thinks i was trying to steal her boyfriend when he raped me, she is suppose to be my other half, but in reality she hates me like everyone else, I'm lonely but I don't show it, I'm meant to be cold, emotionless. I always thought if I tried hard enough for things I would be loved, but I realized nothing could change the way they get about me. I am nothing and will never be anything more than a huge screw up. Think of me as the feeling you have when you are having the worst day. Some people would say, don't exaggerate you have plenty of people who care about you. Truth is I have absolutely no one, my mom, my twin, my dad the people who are supposed to love me no matter who I am, never have showed me affection. Do you ever have that feeling that the world is going to tumble done with you in it? No? Well this is exactly how it starts.

"Hi, I'm your social worker Katie I know you must have a lot of questions but I will only answer a few. Who wants to go first?" Katie said.

"Where will we go? Foster care? Group home? My life is ruined." Madison says dramatically.

"Calm down, you will be placed in your brothers care, until you are 18." Katie said.

"Brothers? We don't have any other family let alone brothers, this is a mistake." I said.

" You have some your oldest brother Alessi who is 25 is your legal guardian. You will be transported to New York in about 30 minutes so gather all your things girls." Katie says.

" Are you sure they aren't just strangers, my mother never said anything about them."
I said.

" Davina can't you ever just be happy, we have brothers, I have always wanted brothers. Stop being rude and be appreciative." Madison yelled.

If only she knew half of what is going through my mind. I have trust issues, especially with men, and strangers.

" Get packed. We are leaving in ten minutes. We have a plane to catch." Katie says in a demanding voice.

-— ————————————————————

Later on the plane, or should I say private jet.
They must be rich rich I thought.

The flight was only a few hours but sitting here it felt like I have been here forever. So many thoughts coursing through my brain. Will they hate me too? They can't find out about the abuse, the rape. Would they even care if they found out? Can I trust them? How many brothers?
Those are the thoughts that kept running in my mind. To say I was nervous was an understatement. On the outside I had my same emotionless face, but on the inside I was screaming.

We finally came to a landing heading of the plane, only to find some guy holding a sign with our names on it.

"Madison and Davina, I am your second eldest brother Nathan. It's so nice to finally see you again." Nathan said with a smile.

"Hi I'm Madison, I've always wanted brothers." Madison says while running to give him a hug. Which he gladly returned.

Nathan stares at me waiting for a hug as well, but soon sees I won't return the same affection.
He smiles at me but I don't return the smile instead I keep my same emotionless face.

"Well you must be Davina then, nice to see you again." Nathan says in a soothing voice.

I mutter a quick "yeah" that was barely audible.
" let's get going then, car is right over here."
Nathan says while walking us there.

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