First Meeting with Yoongi

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Author’s Note: Here it is guys! Another installment of the First Meeting Series. You can find the Series in my Masterlist, the link is attached below. I hope you enjoy this! Requests are open. Let me know what you think of my work, your feedback means a lot to me. My asks are always open for anyone who’d like to say something. Feel free to reach out to me any time you like!

Genre: Fluff, Humor

Word Count: 1.6k

Warnings: Stranded in an Isolated Cabin(does that need a warning?), Language

You were excited to go to the next set you had to work on. You had worked really hard on this script and screenplay and couldn’t wait to bring it to life on screen. The drama had also cast some of the biggest names in the acting world and you trusted that they would do justice to their characters and you couldn’t be any more ecstatic. You felt adrenaline rush through your body as you went around the set, greeting everyone present and giving them warm smiles. If your spirits are high today, might as well make someone else’s day too, right?

As you reached the actor cast for the lead role, Kim Taehyung, you bowed a little, startling him slightly, as you said a rather loud good morning. He giggled at his own self and returned the pleasantries. You got to talking and sharing your views regarding the upcoming project you would be collaborating on shortly. He expressed his concerns about this being his first lead role and you acknowledged them, but not without assuring him that you trusted his skills greatly and knew that he would do a great job. As his mood seemed to brighten, the shoot began. Your words weren’t proven wrong as he displayed his exemplary dramatic prowess, leaving himself a bit stunned too, as he proceeded to view the takes.

Time flies quick when you do work you love. Not that you mind, you like being busy and occupied doing things you genuinely want to invest yourself in. The day progresses much faster than you comprehend as lunch time rolls around. You decide to revisit a small restaurant close by that you had discovered recently, owing to the close proximity to the shooting location. However, your hopeful sprint is interrupted by a loud call from Taehyung, asking you to rush over to him. You oblige, eating will have to wait, sadly.

“Yes, Taehyung? This better be important because you interrupted my date with food that I had been looking forward to for weeks,” you joked, eliciting a small laugh from him as he held your hand, all but dragging you to near his trailer where you could see a small table set up with food.

“Well you see, I have food to offer right here, along with the company of two very handsome men, one of them rather godly,” he said, faux arrogance dawning his features as he led you to said table. It’s so easy to talk him, befriend him, you think. If everyone was so pure at heart maybe the world would be a better place.

“Then the godly man you mentioned would be him, I’m assuming?” you said, teasing him because why not? It’s fun.

“Make a man feel inadequate, will you?” he exclaimed all while letting out a small gasp, showing the screen is not the only area he’s dramatic in.

“I think we’re making your friend a bit awkward. It’s rude to talk among ourselves without even an introduction!” you chided Taehyung, offering your hand out to the man seated at the opposite end of the round table. “I’m Y/N, I’m here as the script and screenplay writer.”

“Nice to see you Y/N, I’m Min Yoongi. You might know me as Suga?” he asked softly, not very comfortable in your presence yet. It wasn’t easy to randomly pick up conversations with people. He needed to get to know them. He resorted to small talk which would make him seem polite but not unnecessary words that he would have to force himself to say.

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