Voice note-2

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Shivaay stood on the elevated platform , his brothers stood beside him. He closed his eyes for a moment to seek peace from all mighty doing the aarti.

He felt anxious, without a reason. The feeling of vulnerability was engulfing him.

He opened his eyes and did the aarti with his brothers after them the whole oberoi family did the aarti.

Shivaay gave the aarti handle back to the pundit but someone held his hand and stopped him.

He turned his face to his left and his world stopped.

After four years of wait,

After four years of suffering,

After four damn years !

She stood there beside him holding the aarti. He grip loosened and he left it.

The corner of her lips twitched a bit upward bit and she closed her eyes doing the aarti. After numerous circles in front of bappa she handed it back and turned to him. Who was staring at her not even blinking.

The charming air of vigour and vitality turned into grave atmosphere with inscrutable silence.

Annika could hear the hushed whispers of guests, she could see the shocked faces of her family members.

"Annika?" His whisper brought her attention to him. His eyes didn't had any emotion but were bloodshot.

"Annika you here ?, after so long  suddenly.." She looked at her elder brother he was astonished at her presence in the mahaarti.

Annika didn't had the answers of any questions she just wanted Shivaay to speak something. To blame, to ask, to punish, to scream anything would do but at least he should show some reaction.

And she'll be deserving of everything, after what she did to him.

However Pinky spoke in between not wanting any drama to be created in the mahaarti. She requested to let the function go on.

Annika wiped the tears that flew out of her eyes and Gauri climbed up the platform, stood beside her to support her.

Omru held his palm to either sides , however he was not aware of anything, just one thing he could remember was waiting.

Waiting from the day of their wedding at the mandap where she didn't show up till now after four years in the mahaarti where she suddenly showed up.

He gulped and looked away , not sure what to do? From the corner of his eyes he saw her moving to take blessings from his dadi.

"Annika puttar , how are you?" Dadi asked gently patting her head.

Although Annika's running away from the wedding had disappointed her too but she knew that she had her reasons.

"I am fine dadi and I am sorry" Annika bent her head not because she was ashamed of her step but because her one step had hurt all her loved once.

"Shh its okay now don't cry" Annika nodded and hesitantly moved to her mother who hugged her tight. So tight that Annika thought she forgave her but she was wrong.

"How could you Nikku?" Her mother cried and Annika blamed herself more , and more.

"Maa I ..

You can't justify it Annika you can't" Her mother broke the hug and now though tearful but had a grim expression.

Her gaze shifted to her Father who was not even looking at her.

"Papa..I am sorry" she apologized.

"But it can't rectify things Nikku" he said patting on her head but didn't hug her tight which he so much wanted to do.

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