Endgame redone.

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Alternate ending to Endgame.

WARNING!!!!!!' Major feels ahead, mainly sad. Actually, scratch that, there is no happy parts. Read on with caution.

Peter had just gotten undusted, and was already fighting.  Iron Man flew over him, and crash landed near Thanos. They exchanged threats, grappled, until Thanos managed to get  his fingers free.

"I am inevitable." He said calmly, and snapped. Nothing happened. Thanos turned his hand, to see that there were no stones there. Tony had them.

"And I. Am-" Before he could say the last two words, Peter swung in, snatched the stones off the Iron Gauntlet, and as quick as lightning, grabbed the original gauntlet from Thanos. Quickly placing the stones in their holes, Peter said; "No. You will not win. Peace will destroy you, and the Avengers will triumph."

Then he snapped. Thanos's army turned to dust, and eventually Thanos himself.

Pepper and Tony flew over to Peter, who had been blown back against an overhang of rock.

"FRI, life readings." Tony demanded, his helmet retreating. Pepper hurried forward, and gently cradled Peter in her lap. They had grown close, since Peter was contacted by Tony.

"Hey Pete, we're here, you're gonna be OK, you'll survive this, it's OK, we're here." Tony whispered.

"Heartbeat fading, broken spine, fatal concussion." FRIDAY announced quietly.

Tony cradled his not-son close, surrounded by his family. The Avengers, Pepper. Morgan was at home, with Happy.

"Hey mssr strk. Hey Pep." Peter mumbled, swallowing back his pain.
"It's Ok, we're here, we'll fix you, it'll be OK." Pepper reassured, more to herself than to Peter. He knew he was about to die.

"Did... did we win?" Peter mumbled, slipping even further.
"Yes, you saved us."
"Thass..thass good Mr strk. Tell them..."

And then he expired. The other Avengers silently knelt, all feeling the loss of their newest member, most of them had only talked to a few times.

Gingerly, Tony pulled the cooling small hand out of the oversized gauntlet. Steve walked up, and took the gauntlet out of Tony's hands. Tony promptly collapsed over his sons body, and cried.

Two hours later, Pepper and Tony got up. Cradling Peter's body between them, they walked back to the spaceship, where the other Avengers were waiting with Dr Strange, who opened up a glittering orange portal, back to the lobby of Stark Tower.

"Did je have any family?" Bucky asked gruffly.

"An aunt." Tony replied. "We should probably call her.

"FRI, call May Parker." Pepper said.
"May Parker was in surgery when her doctors were snapped. She was pronounced dead two hours later."

Pepper put her hand to her mouth. Peter didn't even know that May was dead.

Part 2 with a funeral?

Here's a meme for you to feel better with

Here's a meme for you to feel better with

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