Nuclear Mission

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The Avengers are on a mission.

"Tones, are you 💯 sure this is a good idea?" Rhodey asked, backing up to Tony, who was already fighting off 12 HYDRA soldiers. As one, they fired lasers, spinning around in sync. They stopped as a call went up on the comms.

"Help! Tony, they've got Peter! Front of the building, they must have retreated while we were too focused!" Nat cursed   It was Peter's first mission with the Avengers.

Hearing this, Tony panicked. His son, his SON WHO WAS IN AN ONEZIE was in the hands of HYDRA.

Flying as fast as they could, Tony and Rhodey were out the front of the building in under 5 seconds. Peter was laying unconscious, possibly dead, in front of the door.  A masked person stood in front of Peter.

"Ah, Mr Stark. How nice of you to join us. As Herr Strucker said, take out the weakest link, and the Avengers will fall." The masked person said, in their heavily accented voice.

"Give him now, and you might leave alive." Tony demanded as the other Avengers showed up. They all took positions behind him.

"Now now Mr Stark, no need to get angry. We will.... talk this over. I would like the keys to your nuclear bunker. I know you have one. When the keys are safely in my pocket, we will negotiate about this...... thing. You have 24 hours, Mr Stark. Oh, I wouldn't think about following me. We do have your Spiderling, and we'd hate to have to kill him for information."

The accented person turned, and picking up Peter, he was hoisted up by an ominously hovering helicopter.

Two hours later, at the Tower  

"What're we going to do? They have Peter, and I have a nuclear bunker. Peter disabled the trackers on his suit, and they'd be stupid not to destroy the damn thing." Tony said, rubbing his hands over his face. Pepper was sitting next to him, with Nat on his other side.

"I think... the only thing we can do is give th... wait, where is the bunker?" Nat asked, sitting up straight.

"In a desert, the most remote place in the world, why?" Tony said, wrinkling his eyebrows.

Nat smiled. She had a plan.

Planning. Planning. Planning. Planning. Planning. More planning. Hacking. Planning.

Tony stood, staring at the forbidding entrance hall. Peter was in there somewhere. Taking a deep breath, he walked in. A few corners layer, Tony found himself in a cavernous room. Tied to a chair, behind a panel of glass, sat a miserable looking Peter, with his mask removed.

"Mr Stark. Come to bargain? I don't know how much longer your boy could hold out from our waterboarding." The masked person said.

"Give him to me, and I'll give you the keys." Tony yelled desperately, as another masked person shoved Peter's head into a barrel of water. Struggling, Peter almost managed to knee the second masked person in the groin, but his head was pushed into the water even further, until he stopped struggling.

Horrified, Tony threw the keys on the desk in front of the first masked man, and sprinted over to the almost invisible glass door. Kicking it open, grabbing Peter and hightailing it out of there was his plan. Yeah, since when do plans go right?

The second masked man held a small knife to Peter's throat, nonverbally telling Tony to back off.

Shaking, Tony tapped his watch, so the Iron Man glove formed around his hand. Blasting the second masked man in the chest, Tony summoned the rest of the suit from outside. It was there in seconds. Cradling Peter, Tony flew off into the gathering dusk.

Back at the tower.

Tony anxiously paced outside the medical wing. Peter was asleep, and under no circumstances, Dr Cho told him, was Peter to be awoken.

Four pairs of footsteps came walking hurriedly up, and Pepper, Nat, Steve and Clint started anxiously questioning Tony about what happened. Tony just sat there.

FRIDAY butted into their tense conversation.

"Peter is awake, and asking for you Boss." She said, and Tony was already walking through the doors. Dr Cho met him inside, and led him to where Peter was sitting in bed.

"Mr Stark! I heard them talk about a nuclear bunker, you didn't give them the keys, did you?" Peter said, still jittery about the waterboarding.

"Hey, kid, it's OK. I gave them the keys that make it blow up."

And that's where this story ends. Bye for now.

Also, I made a dagger. It's cardboard, rubber bands and packing tape, but hits hard.

Not a good photo, but it looks ok in real life

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Not a good photo, but it looks ok in real life

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