.01 Hawk

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Fucking hell. It was going to be a long day. Too damn long. My best friend was getting married. Nathan had finally closed the deal with Rachel. Took him much longer than it will me when I finally find the one I want to make my old lady. Nathan and Rachel were the only ones who knew what I really wanted. Craved. Longed for.

My reputation would make it hard for others to believe that I was ready to settle down with one woman but I was. I had been ready to a long time ago too. But she broke my heart. Countless bottles of booze and endless amounts of fresh, young pussy had cured the heartbreak. But I had still jumped enthusiastically from bed to bed. Brenda was the only repeater in the rotation, but she wasn't the one. She was beautiful and I liked her, but it wasn't love. It never would be.

When she'd thought she was pregnant I was terrified. I'd always used condoms. Always. I also didn't cum in the condom. Only somewhere waist up. Tits, mouth, face. Yeah, I fucking know. I was a dick. But I would have done the right thing, made her my old lady and taken care of her and our kid. But the doctor telling her the test was a false positive was the best news I'd ever heard.

And I'd been celibate ever sense. Nearly six long fucking months without sex. The next girl I fucked would be the last. The only one I'd ever make love to. Because despite countless sexual experiences, that's the one I hadn't yet had.

"Here," I said, forcing my mind back to the present, handing Nathan the flask.

"Nah," he said, shaking his hand. "I want to be sober for this."

"In case she tries to run?"

"She won't."

I snorted while Bender grunted. We had a small bet going on. She'd tried to run from him three times. Good thing he loved the chase.

"She's too slow now that she's knocked up," Bender offered his wisdom.

"She's only twenty weeks."

After their anatomy scan, whatever the fuck that was, yesterday, they'd announced the name of their son. Storm. What the fuck kind of name is that? Hawk would have been much better, which I told them.

"You need to do something to calm yourself down," I said. His anxiousness was so bad it was making me anxious. "A drink will help. Or a joint."

"Rachel will kill me if I'm not sober for this. Honestly, she's threatened multiple times to make me stay sober with her until the kid pops out. I don't want to give her any ammunition."

Chicken shit.

Whoever I end up with better know that I'm in charge. I won't have it any other way. It's got nothing to do with misogyny. But being in charge would be the only way I'd be able to keep her safe. And once I finally found her, that would be my only priority.

"We could go for a ride?"

Nathan looks down at his outfit. It wasn't really that much different from what he usually had on, just new and cleaner. Black jeans replaced his usually faded blue ones. Instead of a white t-shirt he was wearing a white button down, one that he absolutely did not iron himself. Over it, he was wearing his cut. Just like he should be.

He didn't want to dirty his clothes. That was cute.

He also hadn't been riding as much as usual since Rachel got pregnant. He wouldn't let her anywhere near the back of his bike, and since they were nearly always together, he was almost always in his truck.

I'd be playing best man at this party. Bender was a groomsman and so was Hands. The rest of the brothers just got to sit back, drink and enjoy. They were looking forward to Rachel's friends and family coming. New women to hit on in other words. But Rachel's only family was the MC and her three friends were all happily taken.

Invisible Flames: Rebel Souls MC #2Where stories live. Discover now