2.0 Charlotte

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Strong arms wrapped around me, pinning me in place against the hard mattress. Except it wasn't actually a mattress I was sleeping on; it was a chest. A firm, hard, defined chest, covered in tattoos. How could it be so hard and yet still feel so comfortable?

I've never slept that well, not that I could remember anyway. My body was deliciously sore, reminding me of all the ways he'd taken me last night. It hadn't ended in the bar. Or after the first round in his bed. Or even after he pinned me to the wall. "Go back to sleep," he mumbled before my thoughts could spiral further.

"I'm hungry," I said, tilting my head up so my chin rested on him. His eyes were still closed, a soft smirk, that I'd come to believe was permanent played on his lips. He made no effort to move. "Feed me."

He'd claimed me last night. I thought that made me his old lady. Meaning our relationship had gone from a literal zero to sixty. Which was probably why I felt so comfortable being so whiny.

But part of me was terrified. Was this normal? What even is normal actually? I'd never felt like this before. The instant attraction as if something deep inside me had just settled by finding him. That sounds absolutely ridiculous but it's true. Hopefully that wouldn't make him change his mind.

"Okay, princess." I smiled at the nickname. "Let's get you some food."

"Can I shower first?" I stunk.

"Bathroom is in there," he pointed towards a door.

"You going to join me?" I asked lowly.

"How hungry are you?" He asked with a brow quirked up, lopsided grin on his face. Once again his handsomeness caught me completely off guard. Before I could answer my stomach let out a loud rumble of protest. "If I join you, you won't be eating for awhile. Can't have my girl going hungry."

My girl. My stomach fluttered at the words.

Reluctantly I separated myself from him and walked to the bathroom. Catching sight of myself in the mirror made my mouth hang open. He'd marked me everywhere he could. My neck had multiple hickies as did my collarbone and even my boobs.

Possessive much.

The thought didn't come with any trace of annoyance but instead with a feeling of deep satisfaction and longing. Quickly I did my morning business before using some toothpaste on my finger to brush my teeth. Thankfully the shower was easier to work and within minutes I was standing under the warmth of the water. Quickly, using his body wash, I washed myself and rid myself of the smell of sex.

When I opened the curtain again I let out a surprise yelp. Hunter. Hawk. God both those names were so sexy. Deciding which one to call him was going to be difficult. He was sitting naked on the toilet seat, lid closed, scrolling through his phone. I didn't even bother to try and cover with a towel. He'd seen it all anyways. In explicit detail. Instead I dried off like usual.

"These are the smallest I have," he said pointing to a pair of sweatpants and a shirt. But that's not where my concern was. Seeing his phone reminded me of my own.

"Crap. Where's my phone? Carrie is going to kill me."

"Friend you were with?" I nodded. "Last I saw she was in good hands," he smirked.


Oh! She was with one of his brothers. "Who was she with?" Carrie didn't do random hook ups. She was too self conscious. If she had stayed the night here I would be shocked. She was going to kill me when I called.

"Bender. Sergeant at Arms."

"Third in command?" He nodded. "I need to call her."

"She's probably still here."

Invisible Flames: Rebel Souls MC #2Where stories live. Discover now