3.0 Charlotte

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Brenda, who I was finding myself smiling at, despite her history with Hawk, set a beer in front of me and other drinks for the rest of the old ladies I was sitting with. Rachel was twenty-two weeks pregnant and Liza was twenty-seven weeks. They were both loud and hilarious. Megan was quiet and reserved at first, but after two drinks she relaxed and came out of her shell. But even though she was sitting and speaking to us, her eyes were nearly constantly on Greaser. But that wasn't surprising, Rachel's kept landing on Prez, who's name I learned was Nathan. Liza was the same with Hands. And me, I was definitely focused on Hawk.

"Do any of you know why Hawk looks like his beer is too warm?" He has a sour, pouty look on his face. And when he wasn't looking at me, he was glaring at Rachel, who laughed loudly at my question.

"I'm going to apologize to you now," she said smartly. "When Hawk went into his self imposed celibacy- he got this weird joy out of cockblocking his brothers. Especially Nathan. Which means he was cockblocking me."

"Payback?" I asked. She grinned wickedly, and that's when I saw the true Rachel. Sure she was bubbly and sweet, but she was also a bad ass, as if she was built only for her role as the wife of the president of a biker gang. She was equal parts cunning and conniving, just as she was equal parts happy and sweet. A truly dangerous combination.

I liked her already.

But if she regularly kept me from Hawk and the glorious tool between his legs, I wouldn't be happy.

"We probably have differing ideas of how fun that will be," I said sipping my beer.

She laughed even louder this time, causing all of our men to look at us. "I like you, CJ," she smiled.

As the night went on I learned each of their stories. Megan and Liza had both been soul suckers, women who slept with the brothers without any attachment. They'd also both slept with Rachel's guy, but thankfully not my own. Dealing with Brenda was proving to be challenging enough. Liza had been Hands' old lady the longest, six years. Four kids in six years. Bless that woman. I agreed whole heartedly when she said she was making him get the old snippety snip. Megan had been Greaser's old lady for four years. He was the club mechanic and the only one the guys trusted with their mistresses- their Harley's. They didn't have kids.

Rachel and I, coincidentally, both had exes named Joe. What are the odds? We'd both traded up.

I also learned that Rachel was the only one to not be claimed in public. Since having kids Liza and Hands had kept their escapades to behind closed doors. Mostly. But Megan, she was in the middle of a sentence when Greaser came and pulled her out of the booth and towards a corner.

I tried not to look but when he had her pinned against the door, his pants around his ankles, heat flooded my core.

"Does this happen often?" I asked, still staring.

"Yeah," Liza answered. "She loves it just as much as he does. They're made for each other." I nodded.

How was it that this band of misfits, true criminals had all managed to land women who looked and acted as if they were hand crafted for each of them. Liza and Megan may have been soul suckers before being claimed, but they were claimed as soon as their men were patched. Quickly, just like Rachel and I had been.

Their stories made me feel like this thing with Hawk wasn't as crazy as I thought it was. That just maybe it was all some predestined determination that I would be his and he would be mine.

Invisible Flames: Rebel Souls MC #2Where stories live. Discover now