Chapter Four

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"Hey, you want to go to Jeno's?" I asked Jisung who is playing with his phone beside me.

"Do you want to? I mean, is it fine? Will Renjun and Donghyuck let us?" he asked. I rolled my eyes.

"Renjun just texted me to go straight to Jeno's house for dinner," I told him.

"Okay then. Let's go," he said and stood up, not taking his eyes and fingers off his phone.

I sighed and rolled my eyes again. They could've just fetched us here. Why do we need to commute? I could just call my driver but he's probably with my parents right now at some business party whatsoever.

Jisung and I left university and we're currently walking to the bus station. I'm so irritated because I don't wanna walk. I haven't walked a kilometer my whole life. I called Donghyuck and he answered the phone right away.

"Fetch us," I said.

"What are you? My children? You could get here by yourselves. Stop complaining. And while you're at it, go buy some desserts." he said.

I scoffed and made sure he could hear it. The audacity of this motherfucker.

"You're the one who is driving a fucking car. Buy it yourself." I said and ended the call.

"You know we could just buy it," Jisung suggested.

"Then buy it yourself if you're so kind," I told him and walked faster than him.

He just laughed at me. This guy is like the product of those men. Like they all mixed their personalities in one adorable creature to be with me. And I'm fine with it. He's even my boyfriend, what the fuck? 

"Now don't be so grumpy. How about we buy ourselves some boba instead?" he offered. I stared at him for seconds and thought about it. Argh, fine! Anything for him!

"Fine, I guess. A few miles won't make me tired." there was sarcasm in my voice.

We walked a few blocks from the bus station and entered a boba shop. I waited by the door while Jisung buys our drinks. While he was talking with the cashier for our orders, I saw three high school girls fangirling over him.

They're even taking pictures. So he's a celebrity now?

After Jisung ordered, he came to me to wait for our drinks.

"Wait a little bit more. It won't take long," he reassured.

Is that supposed to work? Because even a bit, it's not. My patience is thinner than a spider's web.

"Oh, yeah. I just remember. When will you come back home to your parents, by the way?" he asked.

"I could go back anytime I want, Jisung. Do you want me to go back? I'll stay there for a month, if you want." I said.

Seriously, I could. It just depends on him though if he could handle a day without me.

"Well... a month seems very long. Won't you visit them just for a day? I mean, no offense to your parents," he said.

I smirked at him. That's what I'm expecting to hear.

"And why is that?" I asked him.

"Just because," he answered.

"No, it's not." I teased.

"Yes, it is." he's still forcing it.

"Okay, fine. I'll stay there for a month." I said giving upon him.

"Urgh, fine. I don't wanna be away from you that long." he surrendered.

Awww, I'm so good at this. I gave him a look like I'm about to laugh at him. This giant baby is so adorable.

"You always win. Always," he complained.

Yeah, I know. I win at everything and I'm not even sorry about it.

"Two large double chocolate Nutella for Jisung and Chenle." the cashier announced for our order.

Here we go again. They always pronounce my name wrong! Always!

"I'll go get them," Jisung volunteered and left me again.

As he left, the three high school girls approached me.

"Umm, excuse us. By any chance, is Jisung your friend?" one of them asked.

I smirked at her.

"Boyfriend. He's my boyfriend," I answered with a matter of fact tone.

They were shocked by my answer and panicked as they leave. Am I supposed to lie? Oh, sorry. Not my thing.

"I got 'em. Let's go." Jisung said as he arrived and gave me my drink.
We left the shop and walked back to the bus station. I looked at him, waiting for him to say something. When I realized he wasn't going to say anything, I just asked him myself.

"Didn't you saw me talking to those high school girls?" I asked.

"I did. What about it?" he returned a question.

"Well, aren't you gonna ask about it?"

"Ask about what?"

"What they asked and what I said to them,"

He sighed, surrendering for the second time in a span of 1 hour.

"Okay. What did you tell them?" he asked.

I don't even know why am I doing this. I just want to know his reaction.

"Turns out they know you and they asked me if you're my friend," I said.

"Then?" he's waiting for an answer.

"I told them you're my boyfriend," I said.

He didn't answer and looked at me like he's waiting for me to finish what I'm about to say. Wow, this is kinda new.

"Well?" I asked again.

"Well? That's right. I'm your boyfriend. Am I not?" he asked.

This conversation is not going anywhere.

"Of course you are. What am I trying to know is, are you fine with me telling people you're my boyfriend?" I finally said it.

"This conversation is pointless," he said that made me stop.

Wait, what? What does he mean? I don't wanna cry but I feel like tearing up. 

"Oh, no-no. What I mean is, this is pointless because we're together, Chenle. And it's fine telling people we're together. We've been dating since high school and you're asking me this. You once told someone I'm your sugar baby so you, telling them I'm your boyfriend, is the most normal thing you've ever told people. Am I clear now?" he explained.

Well, he got a point. My bad, I guess.

"I just wanted to be clear," I said in a low voice.

He reached me for a hug. Yes, in public. He's hugging me in public. I'm definitely not bragging right now.

"I know that," he said as he slightly swayed.

"Come on. They're waiting for us," he said as he held my hand to continue walking.

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