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"The sky looks gorgeous," Connor whispered, in awe of the colours he was witnessing. He came outside to watch the sunrise at least once a week. He liked to just watch the glowing sun ascend above the horizon, the clouds turning into fluffy-looking cotton candy. This was a time where he would just be with himself and his thoughts, though usually his thoughts weren't all to pleasant. But today, he felt sort of okay. He wasn't thinking of harming himself, no panic seeming to be rising to his chest and making his breathing quicken. He felt alright. And it was nice.

Steve sat next to him, his knees pulled to his chest as they sat on the chairs on the deck. "It really is. I guess from home, I never got a clear look at the sky. Probably because I always slept in too late." He chuckled.

"I could never. I'm always up early, no matter what. I guess it's been a constant thing I've done. Troubling thoughts waking me up to muck up my mornings." Connor shrugged.

Steve shifted his gaze from the rising sun, over to the electrifying boy that was seated on the chair next to him. He looked fixedly at Connor, taking in his features. It had been six years since he laid his eyes on Connor McKinley for the last time, and Connor had physically changed so much.

His striking blue eyes had faded slightly into a more pale look, but they still had that shimmer of the Orlando waters in them.
His flaming red hair was still the same, maybe a little bit curlier by the upper nape of his neck.
His skin had paled out from the the tanned glow of the sun, to the paleness of the sand on a beach. It looked like he hadn't seen the sun in years. Though, thankfully, his freckles had still remained prominent on that smooth skin of his, feeling like a porcelain doll's.
There were lightly faded scars on his wrists, scars that had been there since he was 15 years old. From far away, you could not see them. They almost blended into his doll-like skin. But, if you focused your gaze on his wrists, you'd be able to recognize them.

"Steve? Are you alright?" Connor examined Steve's face, trying to figure out what he was thinking.

"Yeah, I'm okay. You're just really beautiful," he admired, giving the blushing redhead a smile. "You've changed a lot since the sixth grade. I guess I'm taking my time to admire you."

"You're too sweet, Steve..." Connor's freckled cheeks went all rosy, the same colour as the pink roses Connor had planted during the summer.

"I'm just speaking the truth," he said. "You never told me why you were sent here."

Connor's demeanor faltered as he looked down at his lap, all of the colour draining from his face. "My parents sent me here against my will. I didn't want to come. I screamed and cried and begged them to let me stay home, but nothing worked. I was the first one of all of us here." He paused, trying to contain his composure. "I've been here for so many years, that I've lost count. But honestly, this is my home. I feel welcome here. Dr. Charlotte and Mr. Mendel are so kind to me. They care and listen to my problems. Whenever I'm having bad thoughts, they're there. They've been there since I was little. And I can't thank them enough. S-So, if you're ever having bad thoughts, they'll be there for you too."

"Wow... you've been through hell and back, haven't you?"

Connor nodded. "It's been a journey... but the people here are my family. You'll learn to love them too. They're the reason why I'm still here to this day."

"They mean that much to you, huh?"

"Yeah, they're all my best friends."

"Well, maybe you can learn to be best friends with me too." Steve leaned over, trying to get a good look at Connor's face. "I miss how close you and I used to be when we were younger."

"You were the one who left me, Steve... I-I wanted to stay friends with you, but you outed me to everyone in our grade. You laughed at me a-and called me the most horrific names. I lost everything..." Connor recalled.

Steve turned his chair towards Connor, a heavyhearted look on his face. "Hey... listen, Con. You have no idea how unbelievably sorry I am. All I wanted to do was keep up my "tough guy" persona. I didn't want to lose my other friends, and I thought I was so cool by calling out someone in front of everyone in the class. I-I was just trying to hide the fact that I liked guys as well..." he whispered, seemingly ashamed to have said it out loud.

"You're gay...?"

"Bisexual, actually. I guess I was just ashamed to have said it out loud. I also guess I was nervous to confess that I grew to like you as well."

Connor couldn't believe his ears. Steve Blade? Liking him? What the hell was happening in this world?!
"You should have told me!"

"I-I know I should have! I was just nervous."

"Steve, for the love of god..." Connor exhaled, rubbing his temples with his fingers.

"If it isn't too late, I'd still like to be with you. I could treat you better than anyone in the world. I couldn't stop thinking about you all night. I want you, Connor," Steve declared. "Please, just give me a chance to prove myself to you."

Connor did not know what to say. Steve's words were drawing him in and he knew it. But Steve seemed so nice. Connor just wanted someone to want him. Want him romantically and any other way that he was embarrassed to admit.
"How do I know you're not going to hurt me? There's no one to expose me to, so why do you want this? Why do you want me?"

"Connor, I want you because you were and still are the boy that I want to be with. Of course, you can say no. I will not force you to be with me, because that's unbelievably wrong. But if you'll be mine, I promise that I'll be the best man I can be." Steve took Connor's hands in his own, looking into those pale baby blue orbs.

Connor felt like he could trust Steve. He had changed for the better and liked him. He wanted to be with Connor. And that's all Connor wanted, for someone to truly want to be with him.
"I'm giving you once chance, Steve... don't mess this up," he said sternly, a hint of playfulness in his voice.

"Oh, Connor! I won't let you down!" Steve beamed, hugging Connor tight as he leaned over.

"Don't let this enlargen your ego too much, Blade." Connor chuckled, hugging back.

Steve smirked slightly as Connor held onto him.
"Oh, don't worry. Everything will be alright. Nothing and no one will harm you while I'm here. You're all mine now."

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