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"It looks good." Rin Mitsue looked at the tank.

"I know, I refurbished it myself. So, you taking the deal?" the man in a blue jumpsuit with strap suspenders asked.

"Yeah. Deal." Rin agreed. The man took out a form and pen from one of the many pockets of his jumpsuit, and handed them to Rin. Rin took the form & pen, and as he started signing the man finally asked.

"Aren't you a bit too young to own a tank?" Rin finished signing the form and with a gentle smile on his face, he said,

"No. No I am not." He handed the man the form and pen. "As a matter of fact," Rin continued, "I have a tankery license, and am studying mechanical engineering." Rin took out his flip phone and started dialing a number. He made a call. "Yeah, I got it, I'll send you the address and transaction details. Yeah, just drop it off at my workshop like the rest. Alright, thanks, see ya later." Rin hung up and closed the flip phone. "In around an hour or so, a man should arrive with our transaction details. He's picking up the tank."

"Alright," The man said.

"Good day, and pleasure doing business with you," Rin put his phone in his pocket and exited the garage he'd been in with the man. He started walking down the street. Stupidly enough, he didn't take his scooter with him, so now he has to walk home. Eh. Good exercise. Rin kept on walking, and walking, and walking, until a post board he was walking by caught his eye. Swivelling his body, he pushed his glasses up his nose arch to take a closer look at the post board.

'Revival of sensha-dō in Ooarai Girls Academy' was the main title of the article.

"Huh," Rin continued reading.


"C'mon! Please!" Rin bowed down as far as he could.

"For the last time, no," Anzu Kadotani rejected again, taking another bite of her sweet dried potato whilst sitting in her chair in front of her desk, which lay in front of a window wall, made up of a complex of multiple windows spanned across an entire wall. Rin was standing in the student council room of Ooarai Girls Academy, on their carrier.

"Aren't you the one who is known to have asked nearly every school this question?" Yuzu Koyama said, wearing a sorry expression.

"Yes he did, he's that guy from that news article about half a year ago," Momo Kawashima commented, stressing the 'that' in in particular, trying to imply that Rin was a bit dim, which to be fair, he was, at least in some ways.

"I beg you! I'll do anything! I've been waiting for this my entire life!" Rin continued begging.

"Isn't that a bit of an exaggeration?" Yuzu questioned, still wearing her sorry expression.

"No, it is not," Anzu commented. "From the very moment I met him in grade school, he immediately told me he wanted to join in on sensha-dō, and that he found it unfair that only women could take part." Yuzu and Momo looked at her with open mouths and wide eyes.

"You knew him in grade school?!" They both yelled in sync.

"Yeah, she did," Rin moved up from his bow. "Which is exactly why I would expect that she would understand the importance this has to me!"

"It's an all girls school, we couldn't let you in anyways! Don't you have studies to attend to?" Anzu asked.

"I don't need to join the school, I just want to join the sensha-dō team!"

"You can't do one without the other."

"I know you can arrange that!"

"It'd be.. troubling, to say the least." Anzu retorted, looking to the side, taking a bite from another sweet dried potato.

"Look, I'll handle the tank, I'll handle the crew, I'll handle everything, all you'll need to do is the paperwork!"

"And the paperwork is boring," Anzu remarked.

"I beg you! Please!" Rin bowed down to a 90 degree angle, which, to say the least, was quite the bow. Anzu sighed.

She sat up straight and said, "Alright, fine. But to prove your worth, you'll need to survive a practice match we're having with St. Gloriana Girls High School in a week."

Rins eyes lit up. "Thank you so much!" He bowed to a 100 degree angle with a straight stomach, spine, and head, which was, to say the least, incredible.

And so it was, that Rin Mitsue, a boy with a mysterious stack of cash, a massive collection of private tanks, and an irresistible urge to drive them, joined in on the newly re-formed sensha-dō team of Ooarai Girls Academy. But to secure his spot there indefinitely, he needed to survive a match against St. Gloriana Girls High School, whilst taking care of who'll crew in his team. How was he going to do that? There was a simple answer. Instead of making others join his team, he would join someone else's, meaning more begging, but it seemed he was pretty good at that, at least.

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