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A/N: How does this story already have so many reads? Thank you lovely people so much 🥺.

Warning: Drinking and partying


Jaemin sighed and looked around at all the people at the party. It started not too long ago and everyone was already drunk and stupid, including his irresponsible friends, who were off doing God knows what.

The music was playing decently loud, not too loud to burst your eardrums, and everybody was dancing.

It was just a mess, and it wasn't helping the anxiety that ran throughout his entire body at all times. He didn't show it often, but there was a bit of social anxiety inside of him, and he hated it.

He shut his eyes until he heard Jisung standing next to him.

"You should try to find a boyfriend here," the younger said, making Jaemin look at him.

"I already have one."

Jisung gasped. "Since when?! You didn't tell me!"

"Yes, yes I did. You shouldn't be drinking. You're too young. Go sit down and don't drink anymore."

"Okay bossy." Jaemin watched as Jisung went to sit on the couch and shook his head before taking a sip of his water.

A little bit later, he felt someone else's presence next to him and saw that it wasn't one of his friends.

"You're cute." Oh God. "You wanna hang out?"

It didn't seem like this guy was drunk so Jaemin was hoping that he would except his rejection pretty easily.

"Sorry. I have a boyfriend."

"I would believe you since you're so handsome, but a lot of people have used that excuse on me." He leaned down to be eye level with Jaemin and the boy gulped. "If you do have one, where is he?"

"He-he lives in London."

"Well," the guy smiled. "That means there's less of a chance of him finding out."

"I can't. I'm loyal. Sorry."

The guy looked down and nodded. "You won't even give me one chance though?"

"He said he has a boyfriend," Renjun said, hicupping a little bit.

Jaemin sighed in relief and moved away from the guy to be next to his friend. While Renjun started arguing with the guy, Jaemin got a text and pulled out his phone.

Can you call me? Chenle texted me saying you went dressed sexily. I wanna make sure you're okay.

It had to be perfect timing.

It was literally perfect timing.

He called Jeno and couldn't help but smile when he heard the voice on the other end.

"Hey. What are you doing? Are you having fun?"

"Well, yeah... this guy was hitting on me and now a drunk Renjun is arguing with him for continuing to ask me after I said you were my boyfriend."

There was silence and then Jeno scoffed. "Put him on the phone."


"I said put him on the phone." There was a hint of anger in Jeno's voice, one that Jaemin had never heard before, and he quickly handed the phone to the guy.

"It's my boyfriend. He wants to talk to you."

He put the phone up to his ear and asked, "hello?"

"Put me on speaker and tell them to turn off the music for a second," Jeno stated. The music was turned off after a while of the person telling them to. Everyone went silent while looking at him, and Jaemin looked around awkwardly.

"Continue," the guy said, already annoyed.

"Fine. Listen up you stupid fucking coward. You filthy hands, dirt in your cuticles, fractured wrists, midget distifilangeses, flaky elbows, dislocated shoulders having ass. You dirty pulp drinker, smelling like stale fritos. You dirty bastard. You imbecile. You bread crumb snorting freak. Boy got osteoarthritis in your busted finger joints you dirty hepher. Don't ever mess with Na fucking Jaemin again. He's fucking mine. You don't wanna make me come down there and beat your fucking ass."

The entire room burst into a fit of laughter and Jaemin took his phone with a smirk on his face.

"Thanks babe. I'll talk to you later."

"Talk to you later. Call an Uber for you and your friends and go to Renjun's house or something, alright?"

Jaemin giggled and nodded. "Okay. I love... talking to you."

"Me too."

Jeno hung up and Jaemin sighed. He's come close to saying it a few times already, even though he doesn't completely mean it yet. They met not that long ago, but it felt like they knew each other for longer.

For Jaemin, it was like love at first text.

A/N: The next chapter will go back to texting.

Also, credit to my sister for the stupid paragraph where Jeno was roasting him 😂.

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