Possible Chapter 2

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As they left Boston, they stopped at Mordecai's apartment so he could grab his few things that he needed before they left, which consisted of money and clothes to change into. After he gathered his belongings and returned to the Ford Taurus, they left for Colorado. The only times they stopped were to sleep, and eat. They talked every now and then, but they tried to keep it to a minimum because it hurt Chelsea to talk. At the first stop for the trip near the outskirts of Massachusetts they turned in for the evening at a Holiday Inn. Though they shared a room together they still didn't talk much. Mordecai finally broke the silence, " So how long have you been Diagnosed?". Instead of talking she wrote on a piece of paper " Its been 1 year and I'm dying faster than everyone else I've met and not even the doctors or research labs can figure out why. But recently I lost feeling in my right arm and left leg. What about you, have you been diagnosed or are you still clean?" To this he responded, " Well sorry about your arm and leg, and about the shorter life span, but oddly enough I've been diagnosed for around 10 years with no real effects except pain in my left shoulder from time to time."

She looked at him in utter shock, and wrote down furiously, " How in Gods green earth have you lived for 10 years with this virus and not died??????" " Well, I guess I'm one of the lucky few who survived, but it's depressing watching all of your friends die and you get to live for some reason. I hardly deserve to live, I have done terrible things to nice people and I deserve to die, not live unlike everyone else", he said. Though very confused Chelsea accepted the answer for what it was worth, which was absolutely nothing, unless she could get more information out of him before her time came. Which even though wasn't predicted to happen for around a year or two, could end up being tomorrow if it was to be. " What is so different about you that lets you live" she wrote full of curiosity. " Well other than the fact that I'm alive, I have no idea. All I know is one day I was in the most pain you could possible imagine, then it all just stopped, and I felt fine, like nothing had ever happened in the first place. It was weird but promising, and I got reexamined and I was virus free."

Mordecai had come from a struggling home, in a unstable neighborhood in Texas, though he was born in England, he had no memories of his home or friends there, only his time in the USA. Though he didn't remember England he had a lot of English merchandise and memorabilia, which only made him more curious about his time in England. But his parents having been murdered in Texas by gang known then as " The Snakes", he had no one to ask about England, and growing up in foster homes that weren't always the most pleasant, allowed him to acquire the skills needed to survive in the " Urban Jungle". When he was only 16 he had been in jail a total of 13 times for assault and armed robbery, it wasn't till people started dropping like flies by the thousands that he "murdered" his best friend. He did it out of sympathy though, because his friend had fallen ill and was in great pain. Putting a bullet between his eyes was the last thing he did for someone that was some what a good deed because he cared for his friend and was asked personally by him to do so. He never looked back, never said a word to anyone. He didn't even tell anyone what had happened, he wasn't even sure what happened himself. Not a year later he attempted suicide, only to be stopped by a family friend who couldn't bare to live in a world without him. Her name was Stacy, and though she fell off the earth not a month after she said this, he still held a place in his heart for her, hoping that she a had survived the virus.

During the Midnight hours and early morning, Mordecai was awoken by the sound of a hacking cough, not like any cough he had ever heard before. But it wasn't coming from the bed next to his, but from the bathroom. He found this rather odd because he hadn't heard Chelsea get out of bed, as he made his down the short hallway to the bathroom, he found a small puddle of blood near the foot of the door. When he knocked on the door all that was heard was the knock, the coughing stopped and the room fell deathly silent, and he panicked. Knocking again only brought the echo of the door, he slowly opened the door, and there was blood every where. The counter and floor had spots of blood and Chelsea was laying next to the toilet which was filled with blood. She looked ghostly pale and appeared to be unconscious. He panicked once more, and picked her up and ran out of the hotel toward her vehicle, not having the keys on him or her, he began tearing up the dash in order to hotwire the car. Once it was hotwired he tore out of the parking lot and headed toward the nearest ER. He wasn't going to let her die like his friends and family, he cared too much about her by this point. The nearest hospital was over 20 miles away and the car didn't seem to go faster that 60 mph, which was still to slow, he wanted to get her there as soon as humanly possible.

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