Definitely Chapter 3

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In the weeks that followed, Chelsea made a swift recovery and with that recovery came new hope. Hope that allowed her and Mordecai to continue there journey. Once back on the road they head southwest, toward Tennessee, where they planned to hike in parts of the Great Smoky Mountains that were located in Gatlingburg. The estimated time to arrive was near 2 days at most. " So why are we heading to Tennessee?" Mordecai asked. " Cause I've never been there and I've always wanted to hike there. Plus your the one who decided to come along with me." she said. "I don't care where we go as long as we go somewhere interesting", Stacy chimed in from the back seat.

Once in Tennessee, they rested at a very run down hotel. There room smelled of smoke and liquor, but the were thankful to find a place to stay for the night. The night was peaceful, and Mordecai, Chelsea and Stacy shared stories of the past and how there lives were before any of the shit that had happened, before they all technically became a host for a virus that may never have a cure. They all knew that the world was doomed, except for the select few that had survived, like Mordecai and Stacy who has never showed positive for the disease even when she has been in contact with countless people who have it. This was still one of the most bizarre things that had occurred that Chelsea had heard of, because in every instance that she had heard of, once you came in contact with some one who was infected, you were infected and there was nothing you could do about it. Mordecai, even questioned it, even though he was living proof that you can live past you allotted time slot that the virus decides to give you. But she hadn't been even coming close to ever having it. The night dragged on and the minutes turned to hours, and the darkness was consumed by the daylight, they were still talking about why she was lucky enough to be unscathed by the virus. Her only explanation was that some people were luckier than others. This answer pissed Chelsea off and she went into this giant rant. " Luckier than others, Luckier than others. Who the hell do you think you are saying that to some one who has a 10% chance of living through this damn problem, and you sit there and say that some are luckier than others. Though that may be true, I highly doubt that anyone else with this thing are even close to having a 10% chance at living in general. What makes you so special. Why do you get to live and I don't, you do both of you get to live put the rest of your lives while mine gets cut short." she screamed. At this she walked to the hotel door, opened it and slammed it shut, leaving Mordecai and Stacy alone. She walked out to her car and cried. She didn't even know why she was crying anymore. The facts were simple. No matter what she did, she was going to die, but she didn't care anymore. She simply wanted it to change, she wanted a second chance, to correct the mistakes she had made before the outbreak, before she met Mordecai and Stacy, before she had to worry about how long she had until her last breath came like Williams. She wondered if Mordecai and Stacy would mourn for her, like she had for William, she knew this was stupid to think about, and that no matter how hard she wanted for them to care that she was dying, she knew that they wouldn't care or even understand what she was going through. As she sat out in her car thinking about leaving without them and just continuing what was left of her life alone in a place where people couldn't hurt her. But something made her stay, made her go back into that piece of crap room, back to face the people who didn't have to worry whether they were going to die, or going to live for the rest of the time they had on this earth. When she opened the door to the apartment she found that nothing had changed, that they had merely made a breakfast and showered and changed. She looked at the clock, over an hour had past since she had went outside to be alone, but it hadn't felt like an hour and a half to here. It felt like it had been mere minutes. " Look who decided to join us. where have you been we started to worry about you. " This shocked her that it was Mordecai who had said it and not Stacy who had left the room for a moment. " Look, just because we aren't going to die anytime soon doesn't me we don't care about you. It doesn't mean that we can be rude and point out that we are perfectly fine either. I'm sorry about what was said and the way we made you feel, it won't happen again." Though she had a hard time believing him, or her for that matter, she accepted there apologizes, even with the sketchy reasons of there apologies. When Stacy returned to the room she had a very noticeable hatred hanging in her eyes, that for some reason seemed aimed at her and at Mordecai, like they had just had a fight or broke up or something. But she didn't want to be nosy and minded her own business. They ate pancakes and bacon for breakfast, with fresh orange juice, this was the first time that she had eaten a breakfast that she hadn't made herself. This reminded her of weekends before her parents had died and she was able to not worry about what she had to make for breakfast. Though the tension in the room was nearly thick enough to cut with a knife, she enjoyed the slight feeling of having a family again, but this was quickly ended by a rapid cracking of gunfire. This was new, in all her time she had been in the world with the plague she had never been in a situation where her life could be taken by someone other than the plague. They dropped to the floor, and glass, along with splintered wood rained in the area surrounding them, but staying on ground the only saved them for a little bit. Like a movie Chelsea could only watch as Stacy was hit in between the eyes, and like a hot knife cutting butter, her head exploded and was killed, not even a bullet proof helmet could have saved her. With skull and brain matter splattered on the wall, her blood tainting the air with the smell of iron and rust, painting the wall and floor surrounding her a deep red and grey, spraying her and Mordecai with blood. The gunfire continued but no more bullets came into there rooms, but screams from the other guests could be heard and silenced near instantly.

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