Dangerous Chapter 5

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A few muffled foot steps and and slamming of car door were heard, a few gun shots in the distance and a strong Oder of copper and other metals could be smelled in the small space they occupied. An engine roared to life and the compartment jolted forward. " Whats happening to us?" Chelsea asked in a very hushed voice. There was silence and nothing but her breathing could be heard. Wham, she lurched forward in pain as the stock of the rifle was hit against her back, wham, next the head, and with that she fell unconscious.

When she woke she still could not see, there was no sound to be heard and the air was stale with the smell of blood. She couldn't move, bound at the wrists and ankles, and duck tape over her mouth. Panicked she tried to lash out, only causing the restraints to dig into her wrists and ankles. She let out a cry of pain, which was muffled and inaudible beyond the tape. Okay she thought, I can get out of this, I just need to find a new angle. She felt around with her fingers and found that the restraints were crude and made with old rusty barbed wire. The stench became more intense and foul by the minute. A faint scratching noise could be heard in the distance. She craned her neck to her the noise and tried her hardest to her the noise better. As the sound became clearer it sounded more like a saw against steel, a very bone rattling sound to hear when not being able to see what exactly was making the noise.

Mordecai woke, startled and in much pain. What happened, he thought. he looked around the dimly lit room, in a daze he shook his head thinking it would help clear some of the fog in his head, but only made it worse. He blinked repeatedly, trying to make out what the figure in the opposite of the room. As his eyes began to focus he found that the figure was a mere skeleton. One that you might see in a health class or science room. He tried to stand but failed and fell to his knees, weak and confused. He looked down at his wrists, IV's with various colored fluids were being pumped in and out of his body. Some of it looked like blood, some looked like grape Kool-Aid. He looked at the bags that the IV's were being supplied with, no markings were found. But one bag was being filled with his blood while the other blood bag was being pumped into him, they were rather large bags and he began to feel queasy. He thew up and the only thing that left his stomach was the strange purple liquid which seemed to bubble and fester after it hit the floor and seemed to let off steam as if it was boiling. He ripped the IV's from his wrist and instantly blacked out.

As Chelsea worked on trying to break free from the restraints, the noise grew louder and louder and seemed to be getting closer. But in the pitch black room everything seemed to be closing in around her. She felt the pains in her wrist vanish and heard the barbed wire fall to the floor, relief instantly filled her body, she felt her wrists with each hand and tried to briefly examine the scratches and puncture holes that the wire had made. They were deep and bleeding profusely,damn she thought, they were definitely going to need stitches or at least some sort of fixing. She eased the tape off of her mouth and listened for the sound. Nothing came, scrap, a small flame could be seen in the distance, as well as the glint of a knife or sword or something that the person was holding. The figure lit a few candles and the room became brighter. The figure turned toward her and drug the blade against the floor as he approached, the sound as nerve wracking and painful as nails against a chalk board, but ten times worse and thirteen times as loud. As the man came into focus, she noticed that the blade wasn't just a blade but his entire arm. His arm ended at his elbow which turned into the blade of a crude machete. The rusted blade shined against the dim lighting of the candles in the room. She began to panic. The man continued to get closer without any sign of walking away. Chelsea slowly backed away from the man, careful to not make any sudden and obvious movements. While this proved difficult she managed to make her way to a small door way against the wall. She felt around on the wall and found no knob or bar to open the door. The man was practically on top of her now. She let out a little yelp as the blade slide down her arm making a deep jagged cut. The smell of iron and emitted from the wound. She felt faint and dizzy. As she blacked out, she could hear the demonic laughter coming from the figure. He brought his face down to her and let out a sigh " Your going to be the best project i have ever worked on....". She fell unconscious and went numb.

As Mordecai woke from the seemingly endless darkness he noticed something was more than just wrong. There was a small light in the in the corner of the room. Though it wasn't bright it was definitely noticeable. It seemed to move in a slow rocking pattern that was almost hypnotic. He seemed to be drawn to the light and couldn't stop himself from moving to the corner. He struggled to stay where he was. The light seemed to be pulling him toward it, unwillingly drawing him under its glow. He peered into the light and saw the outside world. The world seemed to be burning with rage and fire. Though the grass was green and the sky was blue, everything had the same orange red tint to it. He rubbed his eyes and tried to get the tint to go away. But when he closed his eyes he found that the tint was embedded in his retinas. The inside of his eyelids were orange as well and the room also seemed orange with color. He looked around the room looking for the operating table that he had been on earlier and found nothing. He peered back out the small opening  and a face starred back at him. The figure seemed to have a red aura around their body. The person seemed frightened and mad and confused all in one emotion. He looked like someone he once knew, just not in there body and mind set. This person was usually happy and care free, and never looked mad or angry at anyone. Mordecai tried to speak to the person, but his voice didn't seem to be his voice anymore. It was raspy and rough. Not like it had been the days prior when he was with Chelsea. He looked around the room and realized Chelsea was no where to be found. He peered back through the opening, hoping to see the familiar face again. But nothing was there, just the grass and the sky. He glanced around the room once more and noticed a shuffling in the corner. He approached the moving object with caution and curiosity. He didn't dare call out to the being, no no, that could be risky, for all he knew he was supposed to be dead and long gone, out of the kidnappers mind set. He remembered that he had been shot and glanced at his stomach, it was stitched and  dressed in a fine cloth. The bleeding appeared to have stopped, though it was hard to tell because the bandage was soaked through with blood. He looked back up to see a distorted face looking back at him, with a crooked smile and a slack jaw. The being was unidentifiable and smelled of rotten flesh and blood. He peered into the beings eyes and noticed a small glint that he knew all too well. The glint was from Stacy, but the person didn't have Stacy's body or smile or even the same stature but the eyes said it all. Who ever was behind this had very well taken them from her and put them on this beast. " Can you hear me " he said to beast. The beast glanced up at him and with one swift punch knocked Mordecai unconscious.

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