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I'm a 18 years old girl that live a normal life in her own country but when her country became dangerous what will she do?
So basically i decided to move out to America with my parents so i can continue my studies and live a proper live. It was Sunday 6/8/2020 when we head out to the airport leaving everything my childhood,my friend,my family and most important all the dreams that i wanted to achieved but couldn't because my country became horrible , it was a long flight it took us 29hours to arrive to our destiny i will not lie saying that i didn't cry my eyes out but i was still happy because i know deep down that my future will be better there.when we arrived we settled in and my brother and i went on a little ride to explore the neighborhood . When we came back home i unpacked my things and started doing my research about colleges i wanted to be accepted at UCLA so bad but i knew it will be hard so i added my name and waited for them to give me the due date of my exams.
After about 3 days i got a message saying that my uni exams will be in a week i was really stressed out a week isn't enough for me to study everything so i went to take the advice of the one and only brother he said:"look you don't need to stress out your smart you can do it just concentrate on your studies and you'll get it deal?"
I then ran to my room and started to study,write a schedule...

I'm lucky🙃❤️|TONY LOPEZWhere stories live. Discover now