First day,first sight😉

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YASSS today i'm finally going to UCLA i already registered online and here i am starting my journey. I woke up so early since i couldn't get enough sleep i ate my breakfast and then wore this;

 I woke up so early since i couldn't get enough sleep i ate my breakfast and then wore this;

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Packed some notebook and waited for my brother to take me to UCLA.
After about 15 minutes , we arrived their and it was a huge university i was studying to be an actress/singer so i went directly to the cafeteria to get my coffee when i saw a bunch of guys that looked familiar but i brushed it off , grabbed my coffee and went to my class.
4 minutes later a boy with curly hair, beautiful face came and sit next to me he was handsome so i said:-"hi"
-"i'm y/n i'm new here"
-"ok i don't care"
Let me tell you i was shocked 😮 why in earth will such a beautiful man have such a bad personality like whyy
1 hour later i finished my first class and i had a break for like 2 hours so i decided to stay in the cafeteria and maybe study a little bit.
While i was studying i noticed that someone sat next to me and he resembles a lot to the person that i saw in the morning i didn't say anything but he did :"hi are you new here?"
"Hi,yeah i am"
"Oh cook you seem nice what's your name "
"It's y/n wbu?"
"I'm ondreaz you can call me dre"
"Ok i will"
"So what are you studying"
"I'm studying so i can become an actress/singer in the future"
"Oh that cool i'm actually studying engineering but i don't like it i like to dance"
"Do you take classes or smtg"
"Yeah i do , so would you mind giving me your number so we can hang out sometime "
"Yeah sure it's ********"
"Oh and i have a brother called tony he studies  to be an actor/singer like you so you might've met him"
"Actually don't laugh at me but i met someone that look just like you but he was really rude"
"Yeah he isn't actually rude but he broke with his girlfriend lately and he's bit in the mood"
"Oh okay i need to go to class talk to you later"
"Ok bye ...oh wait do you wanna go with me and tony to the beach today we will have fun"
"Umm let me think about it and i'll text you"
When i finished all my classes i texted ondreaz saying yes for hanging out with him and tony maybe we can be friends.
So we went to the beach talked about our selves and it turned out that they were tiktok famous now i know why they looked so familiar when i first saw them. Then they walked me home ,i changed into my pj and scroll thru my insta a little bit when i got a notification:ONDREAZ LOPEZ followed you on insta
TONY LOPEZ followed you on insta
I was a little bit exited since they was famous and verified but i turned off my phone and went to sleep

I'm lucky🙃❤️|TONY LOPEZWhere stories live. Discover now