Chapter Twenty Nine: Slipped Up

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A/N: hi guys! I need to say something before I start this chapter. This is our second to last chapter of this book before our Epilogues🥺 I really hope you like how this book ends next chapter. But I promise there is more in the Epilogues and answering unanswered questions so please please read those when I publish them! I love you all and enjoy this chapter! 

Also, the picture above is what Harry looks like this chapter!

Harry's POV:

I'm woken up by Mitch pushing my arm. My eyes jolt open and lock with his.

"What is it?" I groan, my voice raspy from the lack of sleep.

"The meeting is in an hour." He says and I shut my eyes tightly. My other arm is wrapped around Anna and I use my free-arm to rub my face in distress.

"Okay, I'll be out soon." I say and he makes his way to the door and shuts it on his way out. I look down at Anna's sleepy body wrapped around me. I can't help but smile down at her and how beautiful she looks.

I slowly move my arm from underneath her and gradually get out of the bed.

It feels good getting to wake up next to her again.

I make my way to the bathroom and turn on the hot shower water. I glance at myself in the mirror and I look like a wreck. I quickly brush my teeth and rinse. I strip down my clothes and step into the steamy shower.

The only thought running through my head is Anna.

I love touring, it's my favorite thing as an artist but my least favorite thing, is leaving Anna.

I let out a sigh as I wash the shampoo through my curls. I watch the soap run down my body and still trying to wrap my head around the fact I could be loosing Anna again.

"Harry? Are you in there?" I hear a familiar voice say.

Anna's beautiful voice.

"Yeah, babe I'll be right out." I say and I hear her footsteps fade from the door.

I finish up and switch off the water. I grab a towel from the cupboard and dry my body off. I wrap it around my waist and run my fingers through my wet hair. I place back on my rings onto my knuckles and twist the door knob to leave the steamy bathroom.

"Good morning." Anna says to be and I look over to face her.

"Good morning beautiful." I say softly and walk over to her. She shuts the fridge door as I kiss the top of her head.

"Hey listen um... I have a short meeting today and then we can all do something after if you'd still like?" I say and she smiles up at me.

"I'd love that." She says and pours coffee into a mug.

"Okay, I'm gonna go get dressed." I tell her and she nods.

"I'm gonna make some breakfast." She says and I chuckle at her.

"What is it?" She asks with a cheeky smile.

"Your breakfasts are the best... don't tell Gemma but she sucks at cooking." I say and Anna's eyes widen as her lips curl into a smile. I furrow my eyebrows and my head whips behind me.

Of course Gemma was standing behind me.

"Yeah, I suck at cooking huh? Can you cook?" Gemma says and crosses her arms with a smirk.

"Actually I can." I say and Gemma laughs loudly.

"Whatever." She mutters and walks over to pour her a cup of coffee.

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