A Few Good Men

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^Evangeline's Outfit^

Hey guys! So I'm working on a new story. The first part will come out after I finish season 1 and 2 of this. I know it's a bit of a long wait (1 month) but I don't want to be working on two stories at the same time.

--Third Person--

The vampire walked out of the tomb. He walked so far he reached the forest. In the distance he saw a hiker. 

"Hello, sir. What day is it?" He asked the hiker.

"Saturday," He replied.

"What year?" 

"It's 2010. You don't look so good, do you need help?"

"You seem really nice. I'm sorry to do this," The vampire ripped into the hikers neck. The gushing copper tasting blood rushed into his mouth. After he sucked him dry, he took his clothes and put them on himself to blend in.


Today is that stupid bachelor thingy fundraiser. Elena's out searching for someone who knew her real mother. I just got off the phone with Caroline who was mortified because Matt's mother who is never around caught them making out. Stefan told Elena before she left Damon is acting out because of Katherine and is feeding on drunk sorority girls.  I don't care about any of those things. Right now I'm worrying about Bonnie. I mean she lost her grandma and now it's just her and her dad. 

"Evangeline, come with me to Stefan's!" I hear Elena yell as she enters the house. "There was something off with that women Trudy. I think she knows about vampires."

"Alright, I'm coming," I say going down the stairs.

We arrive at the Salvatore's. "Stefan?" Elena asks. "You check upstairs," she tells me. I nod.

"Stefan?" I ask. 

"Better, me," Damon says as I enter Stefan's room. He had no shirt on and his breath smelled like bourbon.

"You look um-" He interrupts me, "Dashing? Gorgeous? Irresistible?" He said walking closer.

Even though I did agree with every one of those things I replied with a bitchy laugh, "No. You look wrecked."

"Hm. Do you know I'm one of Mystic Falls most eligible bachelors."


"Yeah. Well um why are you here?" He says walking to the mirror.

"Elena just wants to talk to Stefan."

"So your like her little minion." He turns to me. "I can't quite button this shirt. Can you do it for me?"

"a. She doesn't own me. b. Be independent and button your own shirt." I walk away to bump into Stefan. "Elena's downstairs." I tell him and I exit the room.


At the bachelor fundraiser I gave out the tickets with Caroline. "Hi Mrs. Donovan!" Caroline said with a fake smile. Mrs. Donovan ignored her and gave a hug to Elena. Bitch. All the bachelors lined up and Mrs. Lockwood asked them questions about themselves and their careers. Everybody listened. 

"Well... We always could use more plumbers!" She said to bachelor number 3 and moved onto bachelor number 4, Rick. "So your a highschool teacher?"

"Yea, I teach history," Alaric replied.

"Smart's and looks. That is a keeper," Mrs. Lockwood told the audience. "We don't have much on you, bachelor number 5." She told Damon.

"Well I like to travel a lot. Hawaii, North Carolina. I've visited Duke.. wait, Rick didn't your wife go there? Isobel, right? She was... very tasty." Damon said. Elena's head perked up. 

"What?" I asked her.

"Alaric's wife, Isobel, was my mother. Damon killed her," Elena got out of her seat in tears and headed outside. Wow, I'm out of the loop. Stefan followed behind her. 

--Damon POV--

After the fundraiser, I found out I killed Elena's mother. That's just great. I head into the living and get some bourbon. In there waiting is Alaric. He has a stake in his hand.

"What did you do with my wife!" He yelled. I zoomed up to him.

"What do you think happened?" I took the stake out of his hand. "I turned her." I shoved the stake into his heart. "Now, I get to watch you die." A moment later, Stefan walks in.

--Stefan POV--

Damon walks out. I stand over Alaric's dead body. All of a sudden, his eyes opened. He sat up in a gasp. "Ho-how?" I ask. "Damon must of slipped vampire blood in you."

"No, it's something else." Alaric looked down to his ring. "Isobel. She gave this to me and she said it would protect me."

"That's impossible."

"I know."

--Third Person--

The vampire walked out from the woods by the time of night. He walked up to a house. Opened up was a women. "Pearl, it's Harper," the women walked away and up walked Pearl and Anna.

"I'm glad you found us, Mrs. Gibbons please invite him in." Pearl said.

"Any friend of Pearl's is a friend of mine. Come in, Harper," Mrs Gibbons told him.

After Harper walked in, Pearl told Anna "Annabelle, close the door." And so she did.


I know this episode was pretty short but I didn't have much time to write.

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