Basic Straining

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"Last time on Total Drama Island... The teams were given three challenges that tested their trust in their teammates. The rock climbing challenge revealed more than just Heather's grudge against Gwen. And Trent got the bad end of a blowfish courtesy of Lindsay. DJ trusted Geoff with his pet bunny. Huge mistake, by the way. Diana and Lewis were having a blast cleaning the bathroom- that's a first! Some other campers got dropped on their butts and Duncan shocked Courtney by showing her his softer side. Yeah, touching moments. Good times. Stay tuned for the most dramatic bonfire ceremony yet on Total. Drama. Island!"

-theme song-

Diana's POV

I'm reading my book when I hear the megaphone ring.
"Listen up, you little cockroaches! I want all campers to report to the Dock of Shame at 0900 hours!" Chef's voice rings out through the camp. "That means now, soldiers! Now!"
Everyone quickly gets up and goes to the Dock of Shame. We all line up and I'm next to Owen and Lewis is to my left.
"Lone up and stand at attention! You call this proper formation?! Knees together!" Chef yells. He walks past me and Owen. He hits Geoff's legs with a stick causing him to scream.
"Ah! Ah!"
"Arms down!" Chef yells and hits Duncan's crosses arms.
"Eyes forward! Head up!" Chef yells through the megaphone still. Heather and DJ fix themselves.
Chef whacks Harold with a whack whack whack whack!
"Oh, this is gonna be a fun day," Gwen says sarcastically to Trent.
The megaphone receives feedback and Chef yells, "What did you say to me, soldier?!"
"Um... Nothing?" Gwen says worried.
"And you'll continue to say nothing until I tell you that you can say something!" Chef yells causing Gwen's hair to fly back. "Today's challenge will not be an easy one. In fact, I do not expect everyone to come out alive," Chef yells us. Lewis and I glance at each other.
Owen chuckles and Chef hits him in the ass with the stick.
"Aww, that hurt!" Owen complains.
"My orders are to make sure that all of the babies in front of me drop out of my boot camp except one. The last one standing wins immunity for their team!" Chef explains as he walks in front of everyone.
"Uh... what happened to Chris?" Heather asks like she read my mind.
"Rule number one! You will address me as Master Chief! Have you got that?!" Chef yells through the megaphone.
"Yes, Master Chief!" We all say.
"You will sleep when I tell you to sleep! And you will eat only when I tell you to eat! Is that clear?!" Chef asks us.
"Yes, Master Chief!" We all repeat.
"Rule number two! When you are ready to give up, you will walk to the end of the dock and ring the bell. Which brings me to rule number three! I'll have to get one quitter before the end of the first day! And that day will not end until someone drops out! Now get your butts down to the beach, soldiers! Now, now, now!" Chef says. He shows us the bell and then hurried us away.
We all scream.


"Okay, whoever's sick, twisted idea this was to put him in charge of this challenge, I have to say... I'm a little bit impressed," Gwen smiles.

"mio padre è peggio, questo non è niente," I shrug. (Translation: My father is worse, this is nothing.)

-end of confessions-


"Listen up! Each team will hold a canoe over their heads! I catch you taking your hands off the canoe, and you will be eliminated. And no one eats lunch until someone drops out. Canoes up!" Chef yells. We all lift the canoes.
"My noodle arms," I groan.
"Pfft! This isn't that hard," Owen boasts.
"Piece of cake!" Geoff agrees.

-time skip-

"Come on, you sissies! It's only been three hours!" Chef says from the Killer Bass canoe.
"Looks like they missed lunch today," Chris says from our canoe.
"Mmhmm. Guess they just weren't hungry! Unless someone wants to quit now," Chef says.
Owen's stomach growls loudly.
"Don't even think about it, Owen!" Gwen snaps.
Geoff rips Harold's underwear causing Chef to almost catch them.

-time skip-

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