Act 4: P.O.W. Camp Delta

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Cocoa Island Campaign Day 2

Alpha-Nine is seen disembarking from a pair of TD13-Hawk Dropships, and starting to make the hike to the Kukku POW camp. There's substantial banter among the squad, as there's little else during the walk. After about an hour of walking, and Allison filling in any gaps recon missed, the Helljumpers come up to a ridge overlooking the camp from afar.

Helljumper 3 - "Looks like this place is locked down tighter than GUN HQ after that wolf ripped it up. They probably suspect we're coming. If we're going to get in there, we need to strike fast, hard, and quiet."

Helljumper Leader - "Acknowledged, 10, can you identify any gaps in their patrols?"

Helljumper 10 - "Affirmative, there should be a 3 minute gap in the patrols near the prisoner cells, on the left side of the camp. That should give enough time to get in, but getting out might be a problem."

Helljumper Leader - "Copy that, 3, stay on the ridge to provide recon and fire support. Radio silence from here on out. Move out Helljumpers."

9 takes point, sliding down the cliff face and landing on the ground outside the perimeter. The approach is fast and silent, aside from a close call with a more observant Kukku rifleman going around the wall. As they enter, 4 instantly starts moving towards where the prisoners are held, with 5, 7, and 9 following. 9 splits off and takes a longer route to check for any contacts. As he flattens himself against one of the buildings, he hears repeated faint thudding from inside. Deciding to investigate, he flies himself to the roof of the building and finds a gap. Inside, there's a Kukku Spec Ops lining up a group of 5 prisoners.

Kukku Spec Ops - "Alright, we know one of you has been trying to plan an escape, we have explosives missing from an armoury, and multiple guards have reported suspicious activity. We know that one of you is responsible for these disturbances and we will find out who."

The Kukku unholsters a revolver and removes 4 of the 6 bullets and spins the chamber.

Kukku Spec Ops - "So let's do this the easy way first, would anyone like to confess and make it quick?"

The group stays silent, but only one keeps his head up and forward. The Spec Ops notices this, and walks up to the prisoner.

Kukku Spec Ops - "What is your name prisoner?"

Prisoner - "Gideon Berman, rifleman 2nd class, MAF garrison, sir."

Kukku Spec Ops - "You stay strong, keep your head forward, a defiant look in your eyes."

The Kukku puts his revolver to the prisoner's head and fires.


Kukku Spec Ops - "Lucky you. We have not received a confession from any of you yet, the clock is ticking."

Walking up to the next prisoner, who seems barely able to keep himself standing, the Kukku doesn't say anything, instead opting to put his revolver to his own head and firing.


Kukku Spec Ops - "Well, well, well, do you have anything to say? Well if you do, that's a damn shame isn't it."


The prisoner drops to the floor, now missing an eye and a life. The Spec Ops turns on his radio for a moment and checks in to camp command.

Kukku Spec Ops - "Command be advised, weapons fire is an interrogation in progress, advise security personnel to stop being so jumpy for a while."

Kukku Command - "Affirmative, security forces standing down, check in again once you're finished."

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