My Angel

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5 years ago

"Mum, no no MUM !" I screamed at the top of my lungs as the wizard people feared the most used an unforgivable curse on my mum.

Tear were streaming down my face. How could such an amazing, humble woman be killed by the darkest lord in existence.

He'd killed the only person I ever loved right in front of me. He killed the woman who gave me life, the woman who fought and kept me hidden as long as possible. I stepped out from where I was and looked him dead in the eye. I couldn't live my life without her.

"Kill me... now." I just said bluntly. He looked at me suspiciously however he brung his wand back and shouted.


I closed my eyes, thinking I was going to die. But I didn't feel any pain, I didn't feel the curse hit me in the chest. I opened my eyes and his robe was on the floor. He had just disappeared, but I was alive.

What happened that night, I mean how I survived still baffles me to this day. How had I been the second person in existence to survive the killing curse ?
I'm going to find answers.

Today is the day, five years ago, my mum was killed by him. Even just thinking about her breaks my heart.

I live with my dad, Evan Sullivan. He too was devastated by mums death. He was at work when it happened and found my mums body in the living room with me crying over it. Seeing my dad broken made me feel a pain that can never be described with words, both our worlds had fallen apart that night.

I woke up very early in the morning, I knew it was early because it was pitch black. I couldn't take it any longer. I burst into tears, making left over mascara that hadn't came off run down my cheeks. I got up and looked out my window, I know it's weird but at least once a month I get a sign that she's watching down. Today was that time off the month.

I got up and looked out my window, although it was pitch black, I could see the light of the lamp post outside. My mums favourite number was the number 8. She said it reminded her of the infinity sign and she said that it reminds her of the love she shares for me and my dad and that'll last for infinity. I was staring out the window when I saw it, the lamp post outside my house. It flashed, eight times. I couldn't help but smile and cry a little harder. She truly meant her word.

By the time I couldn't cry anymore it was 9 am and so I decided to go downstairs and get my breakfast. My dad was already in the kitchen and he was trying his best to keep it together I could tell. I looked at him and hugged him as tight as possible, we were both hurting today.

"Dad, I saw her. I saw the signs she leaves behind." I say while hugging him.

"Ivy, tell me about it. It might make this day a little better." He says loosening the hug.

I told him about it however in the middle of that the post box clattered, multiple letters falling onto the floor. I got up and got the letters off the porch floor.

"I got a letter." I looked at my dad, no one ever sends me letters.

"Let me have a look sweetie." He says taking the letter out my hand. As soon as he saw it he smiled, I haven't saw him smile in ages. He looked up got me into a hug.

"Ivy, your going to Hogwarts." I looked up, tears flooding my eyes again. You see my dad went to Durmstrang however my mum, she went to Hogwarts.

She's bringing me closer to her isn't she. She was placed in Gryffindor and so it would be an honour if I was too.

There's a slight issue however, me and my dad, we've been in hiding for so long that no one was able to find us. Not even Albus Dumbledore himself. Im currently 14 years old and so I shall be going into forth year. It seems like Dumbledore really is smart, although it took him years he was the first to find us.

I felt a breeze coming around me, I looked at dad and I knew he felt it too. It was as if cold arms were wrapping them self around us giving both of us a hug. It was mum.

That day was an emotional rollercoaster, I cried, felt happiness, felt sad, but most of all I felt comfort.

I knew I was magic, it's obvious to be honest. Both my parents are pure blood so there's no way I'm not. And that is also a reason why I'm happy getting my letter, it just confirms it.

I felt mentally and physically exhausted and decided to have an early night. I went to bed and started drifting off, thinking about my mum and what adventure I may go on in the future at my new home.

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